The Gaysian

“You have to do it, it’s a part of the costume!” is the best argument for dancing ever.

this happened in the u.s. as well. there is a documentary coming out about cases in LA, though it’s happened everywhere thanks the racist and ableist eugenics + social darwinism movements that happened throughout the u.s.…


we should do this here in the USA, too.

The U.S. has long history of doing this to poor women of color too, FYI. No, it doesn’t only happen in “places like Pakistan” (subtle). Feel free to never visit Peru again :).

Before the Holocaust, America was the world’s leader in forced sterilization — in fact, Hitler gave the head doctor of the movement an award for inspiring his work with the Jews. We sterilized homeless people, prostitutes, the mentally ill, the Deaf, anyone considered undesirable and not worthy of reproducing.

I mean the United States of America.

This shit happened in America as recently as 2010 so don’t worry you’re funding terrible shit every single place you go welcome to the world.

Thanks! I'm on a train right now. Great way to travel.

This was my faaaavorite movie as a little kid, even though it made me sob my butt off.

cute teach!

I can’t handle this sad dolphin at the end, you guys.

God this version used to make me sob. I still get choked up any time I listen to the song “When A Mermaid Comes Of Age.”

Thank you for the link! I meant to watch just the end to see the mermaid turn into sea foam, but I ended up watching the whole thing. I really liked it!

Oh thank you for linking to this! I watched his as a kid and it haunted me, it's so lovely!

I officially love this Drake song and video now, just for the video responses, Jimmy Jr. (Jay Joo) and the cat. Oh my god, thank you internet.

Yup, grew up owning this on video (dubbed in English, though).

Who is that guy? Made me snort out loud, that look on his face. And the way he starts to follow her, like, “My turn?”

Always on beat.

This is perfect