The Gadget

Bullets are what makes the loud noises that come from guns, so odds are that yes, it probably did. Unless a round is poorly-seated in the shell, then the powder would still be under pressure, and the activation of the primer would set it off.

Unrelated note: Your avatar is excellent.

Thank you.

Well, at least now you know something new. :)

Hope things get better for you.

YouTube has just gotten weird since Google became their evil overlord.

Yeah, I hope you weren't too severely traumatized. Gawker image fail, in your favor!

Hahaha! I'd forgotten that. It was one of those old-timey pictures of a creepy kid I photoshopped to make it blink.

Stop reading that shit.

Even if they did, you'd feel little to nothing, and would not be harmed in the slightest. They're plants, not steel traps. Also, people are much, much bigger and stronger than Venus Flytraps. :)

Congrats on the job! I've had a lifetime of people making remarks like that, simply because when I'm thinking about something, I'm told I look "angry." Proof positive that they've probably lived an incredibly sheltered life.

Go ahead and get one! They're fascinating plants, even if you never see them "eat."

That's interesting that you bring this up. I was just telling someone the other day that I think "The Beautiful Ones" is a magnificent gem hidden in plain sight, right in the middle of that album. If I'm on a long drive somewhere, and Purple Rain is playing, I'll back up and re-play that song a few times over, just

Winner winner, chicken dinner.

So well put. I say, find a reason to use that line in your thesis!

My enthusiasm for the weekend is offset by concern for a seriously ill friend, I'm afraid.

Co-signed, except for that term paper stuff (guess I'm the "cool" teacher!). ;D

Never heard that term, from anyone, ever. I have to thing that was just a way to get past the studio/network censors.

Doing all right, I guess. Watching a Chris Isaak concert on TV. This guys does old-time rockabilly so well, it's mind-blowing.

Get out of her room and give her some privacy!!