I’m more concern about what they are going to do about it, SHOW ME THE PUNISHMENT!!!!
I’m more concern about what they are going to do about it, SHOW ME THE PUNISHMENT!!!!
Using your work related devices and equipment for doing bullshit is one of the dumbest things in the world, you know that it’s not your possession. Ask Tom Brady and his conspirators about that shit.
The food product companies have the greatest market power in this situation because there is a small number of monopolistic firms with an overwhelming share of the market. The farmers and consumers cannot really fight these firms, so it’s the government’s job to intervene.
I have a strong love for all the secondary ferengi characters in this series anyway.
Garak is a gay Cardassian with daddy issues, it almost makes the episode where he talked about being locked in a dark closet by his father.
His potenial queerness is not an unrealistic assumption
It’s kinda sad because DS9 had so many rich secondary characters; when an holosuite character named Vic Fontaine has more personality than you, she’s like an unlit stage.
Miles in the depth of his blandness
I wished worst thing would have happened to him, any plot with Miles as the central character always has a moment that make me wanna choke him to death. Him and Keiko are a terrible combo for me
It started off slow in the earlier seasons, but after the Dominion became key players in the series everything changed.
I actually love Garak because he is who he is, so his bad behaviors does not come with any of the hypocrisy of federation ideals. The same thing can be said about Kira too, especially when it comes to how she views her past. On the low Quark might be one of the most complex and interesting character in that whole…
DS9 is 100% better than TNG; while TNG is painting a rosy picture of the federation, and the bullshit of their smugness and their superiority complex. DS9 especially after the 2nd season creates a more balanced and complex view of the federation.
His right brow is extremely suspicious of the left brow.
well shit...that’s some serious mind fuck right there; I have a hot and cold personality, but I would never do anything like that to someone else. I think you may need a clean break from this shit, and you need to stop thinking about this shit.
down right rejection is 100% better being struck in limbo, it gives your mind too much room to fill in the blanks.
Now I’m curious about the kinda of porn ya into that you don’t want others to know about.
Well that sucks because you have to see him. For me we both graduated right before the ghosting happened, so our common place of potentially awkward meeting was not in the equation.
I had someone go ghost on me; while it hurts in the first place, I had to keep living my life.
A good advice to go by while taking a vacation in NYC is to remember that most people here are not on vacation. Don’t get on the subway without having some level of idea of where you are going to, Google Map is your friend.