The Fissure King

I like the succinctness of, "Fake it till you make it."

Much as I admire the sentiment, I still have difficulty getting over my self-consciousness a lot of the time.

Similarly, Haruki Murakami wrote, "The most important thing we ever learn at school is the fact that the most important things can't be learned at school."

That's some lifting and separating right there.

You wear underpants? Doesn't that get in the way of anybody biting your shiny metal ass?

I nominate "Brenda" as the official name of the "at" symbol. My other thought was either the "self-bj" or the "Ron Jeremy."

Her incarnation of Captain Marvel was where I first heard of the concept of neutrinos. Also, remains all I know about them to this day.

That guy was money. He was just in a place where he didn't know how to use his bear claws.

I'm old, cold, and full of mold. (I also prefer the use of the Oxford comma. Well done, GGB).

Shut up, baby, he knows it!

Also known as Vagimite.

Sounds like something you'd need scrotal elephantiasis to perform.

I vill! I vill mess with time!

You mean, camera 3?

And twirling!

A "Rusty Shackleford"?

Mine would be "Round Arousedy."

You could create a new aesthetic by combining sex positivity and frilly design. Call it "Schwing Fey."

Hey, I said the same thing earlier. What's bringing us lurkers out today, I wonder?

Me neither. But one can dream.