
Cop-out. What a loser.

You really should feel shame that you would rather just retreat into an unearned sense of intellectual superiority (you won’t). You know what a responsible person of intellect would do? Argue with those who you think are ruining the country.

Aaaaaaaand he turns tail.

Sad? I though I made it clear in the original that I’m mad. You, of course, should feel shame (which you won’t).

Arguments or weak insults?

Arguments or just weak insults?

Also I love progressives. “This issue is so important! It’s the most pressing issue!” Then there’s a rebuttal and it’s like, “Dude, you are taking this too seriously. Why think about this issue that’s constantly being shoved down your throat?”

no argument; you have none

no argument; you have none


And they want to be confident to be attractive. And they want to be attractive because...?

That doesn’t answer anything. I said that it shows poor judgment to have sex, particularly as a female, without health insurance.

What other world is there?

Why were you fucking without insurance? Terrible judgment.