the-fancy-beast hiding under your bed

This article slightly misunderstood the news. It’s not that white, poor Americans are dying more than everyone else. It’s that their death rate is increasing more rapidly than anyone else. POC still have higher death rates than whites, but their death rate isn’t changing as rapidly as white Americans. (Probably

Listen, I’ve been there. I won’t go into details because it’s too personal, but I’ve been as close to death as you can be and still survive.

But it took serious campaigning for people to take it seriously, because it was thought to just affect the poor, the minorities and the drug addicted.

No worries. And you are awesome. Those people who didn’t get you at the party are well, just people. Trust me when I say this... you will have completely forgotten about them in a couple of years. You will move on from them in a fantastic fashion. I’ve learned a few things in my middle age. I may question my life and

We can hope that more research will result in the means to combat this unfortunate trend.

This is a story about poor people who can’t get jobs with any security due to not having advanced education killing themselves or drinking themselves to death.

I would be so pissed. I live in the middle of this country and couldn’t give a shit less if my lawn is brown on occasion. I think it’s a waste of water to water grass regardless of where you live.

You clearly missed the title. Restaurant stories of magnificent REVENGE.

Even so, he again makes a big show of sniffing the cork ...

I just pointed out that the server isn’t a damn hero.

Looks like someone... hit the sauce a little too hard.

SN: I would watch the absolute shit outta CSI: Pizza Hut

It really isn’t. Not in the form of mixed drinks over many hours. I could do that easily without being visibly drunk, although I certainly wouldn’t (& shouldn’t) be attempting to drive in that state.

Right? I mean in order to get kicked out of a bar you pretty much have to be either 1) actively, physically belligerent or 2) falling asleep. If you’re at that point you’re waaaaayyy past the point where you should not be driving

There’s a difference between ‘too drunk to drive’ and ‘too drunk to get served’.

There’s a difference between ‘too drunk to drive’ and ‘too drunk to get served’. We don’t know that the bartender was overserving them. Sure seven Margaritas is a lot, but consumed over a period of time they wouldn’t necessarily be drunk enough to refuse service.
Getting behind the wheel is another matter entirely.

How is it the responsibility of the server to know how someone intends on going home?

he didn’t know they were driving until he followed them out.

When my husband and I first moved in with one another we had established roles. I would answer the door for food delivery people, and he would hold the man eating Schnauzer at bay. Well one night I, for whatever reason, was holding the man eating mini-Schnauzer at bay and he got the pizza. As we’re divyying up the

I love the idea that he wasn’t supposed to call the police on people about to endanger those around them.