I love that this year, a number of the scariest stories centered on non-ghost incidents. The modeling gig... the poisoned uncle... a woman buried alive... a madman in the basement... Sometimes the spookiest stories are the ones about other humans.
I love that this year, a number of the scariest stories centered on non-ghost incidents. The modeling gig... the poisoned uncle... a woman buried alive... a madman in the basement... Sometimes the spookiest stories are the ones about other humans.
Minor douchiness is probably a better indicator of a bad person than literal law breaking.
Come on internet, how long does it take to identify someone?
Disappointed it’s not edible hair color. Not that there’s any use for such a dual-purpose product...it’s just that once dessert is mentioned anything non-dessert is going to be a let-down.
That right there is the kind of guy that got irrationally angry about his right to be a creep when creep shots got shut down on Reddit. Loser.
Sorry dude, maybe if you didn’t want to get caught you should have kept your legs shut.
This is clearly a defective menstrual cup that has been repurposed, right??
Yes. Rape is not ok out of prison or in prison. It is not ok because they are criminals. Why do we let this continue?
Perhaps her blithe acceptance of sexual assault in prison is the more troublesome aspect.
It’s concerning that everyone accepts rape as a normal part of prison life rather than an institutionalized problem that is largely ignored by prison administration and the press (unless it's a joke in a movie about not dropping the soap).
They really are just the worst. And I mean that as lawyers, not just as people. Good representation should serve your interests and that includes steering you towards compromises if that means protecting you from bad outcomes. Liberty doesn’t seem to do that. They seem to just use clients as pawns in their little…
No fucking rapist EVER has it “worse” in the long run than their victim. That is bullshit. And I highly doubt he won’t be able to ever be in charge of a company. They’ll just say “Oh he was only 20, he was just a kid. That girl probably lied. She went along with it at first!” He’ll tell them that she just had next…
This story is bringing out the absolute worst in anyone.
I live right next to Bremerton. This story is bringing out the absolute worst in anyone. That said coach Kennedy is a grade A asshole. The Bremerton school district doesn’t have a ton of money & can’t afford a lawsuit. The only people who will suffer are the kids because now the district has even less money for them.
Did they manage to make his face smaller? WTF? But points to his lawyers, he looked a lot younger and nerdier in his court gear.
CNN is reporting that Owen Labrie’s parents begged the judge for no time, saying that losing his Harvard acceptance was punishment enough. If you ever want to see how this level of entitlement, assholeness and shittery happens, look no further than the parents. I wish them the worst.
And the opposite is true...at the very least, bias is in the hearts of everyone. Unless a police department emphasizes education on unconscious (and conscious) bias and racism, and actively works to dismantle it, I’m going to assume that minorities are going to be treated worse than white people. That’s going to be…
I’m OLD, so we would have them at our science fairs but even then it was like YAY BOOM, what now? I did one on if plants respond to you talking to them.
This is the kind of thing Bobby Newport’s dad would do.
I did an internship that involved going to juvenile court, and I have to say, a lot of the kids were in foster care and almost none had their parents show up at all for their hearings. Instead of helping these kids deal with difficult situations, we basically just criminalize any acting out, and end up putting these…