
What a piece of shit article. Modern day liberals are some of the most hateful and vile people in the country. The man had flaws but he created an incredibly successful business. Sorry you can’t have 100% media dominance. Opposing views are good for the country. Enjoy stewing in your own bile, you piece of trash.

But I am allowed to criticize a “science, tech, and gadget” site that allows its writers to use the space for their personal political bullshit. So deal with that, biatch.

Hmm. You post like a liberal.

When you go shopping at your favorite store, do you wanna see a man defecating in the corner? Probably not, right? Because when you go shopping, you wanna see what you’re there for.

Why are you responding to my post?

How about a tech and gadget site that covers tech and gadgets without politics? Crazy fucking idea, huh?

Are you understanding the situation? Do you know what Gizmodo is?

There is a problem, because tech and gadget sites are becoming polluted with political garbage.

I saw it posted on Gizmodo.

What I would like is for tech and gadget sites to not get political.

I didn’t read the article because I don’t care about this crap. I go to Gizmodo to read tech and gadget articles, not the political opinions of the partisan writers.

Why am I reading this on a tech and gadget site?

Why am I reading this on a tech and gadget site?

Left wing corruption is like... so cool.

What a horrible opinion piece. You think dropping F bombs makes your writing better? Making these investments involves great risk. People lose in the stock market all the time. Those who succeed deserve every penny they get.

Some might call him a schwarze.

All these things do is hurt people trying to earn a living and those trying to get from A to B. It’s pointless.

People were tired of the establishment running the show. Hillary had an an annoying sense of entitlement.