This fool really won’t go away, will he?
This fool really won’t go away, will he?
How about more crazy people control?
Another left wing shooter to add to the list. Liberals will still call this a shooting by a conservative though.
Why the fuck is this showing up on Gizmodo?
Okay, you hate Trump and everyone around him. We get it.
You’re a Millenial, aren’t you?
Protesting does nothing anyway. Proven to be a waste of time.
They’re very clunky.
They’re very clunky.
Why not fly commercial? Should he be more of an elitist like Al Gore?
Still one of the greatest mayors NYC ever had.
Another tolerant liberal.
Okay. You’re boring.
I will never defend everything that goes on at FOX. I often disagree with many of the commentators for their opinions. I like to get news from various sources and base my opinions on a collection. I think the real paranoia comes in when people act as though FOX news has some sort of mind control going on. It’s up to…
Not one person on FOX has said anything about terrorism. Still wanna take that bet?
Then your political bias is clouding things for you.
I’m not into childish nonsense. If you’d like to respond like a grown up, feel free.
A place to get what?
Then you need to reexamine most of those news sources. Most of them lean left and anyone with a brain knows that.