The E

As a Tesla Mo3 owner of 2 months, you hit this on the head top to bottom. Great in so many ways. Needlessly frustrating in a few others. I’ll add a few other points from my experience.

The actual, EPA ranges on the Kona EV and Niro EV is in the 240 range. The ranges you quoted are NEDC, which are laughable (that’s the same standard that rates certain diesel cars at like 60-70 mpg).

The Bolt has awful seats, shorter range than this car, no level 2 autonomy (although I personally think that the uncanny valley between level 1 and level 4 is a potential problem for safety, but EAP is a selling point for many Tesla buyers), and a total joke of a DC fast charging network.

Bolt has a lot less range than the Tesla Model 3 LR version. Not to mention Tesla has the supercharger network. Not to mention Bolt’s charge speed is more limited than the Model 3.

If you look at it from a range and appliance perspective, yes.

Unfortunately, GM decided to make the Bolt ugly so as to not impact sales of their internal combustion automobiles.

The original “Predator” is a movie of role reversals.

Its tone is strange compared to the original “Predator.”

People have doubted Tesla every step of the way.

How irritating is it to have no HUD but all your information, plus all mundane controls in one single iPad off to the side with zero information right in front of you, where you have to go through multiple clicks just to change something like wipers (yeah yeah I know automatic wipers) or adjust mirrors, steering

It will also decrease your gas mileage. Coasting in gear uses no gas (engine braking keeps the cylinders moving), whereas putting it in neutral forces the engine to run at idle (consuming gas).

brakes are a lot more accessible than clutches or transmissions.

There are very few situations where you’ll need to quickly accelerate to get out of danger.  They almost all require very poor situational awareness, and all of them can be avoided by braking and steering.  And the benefits of not wearing your throwout bearing out more quickly have real monetary benefits.

Because it’s still an active gaming news story.

Hi, Filip, how’s the job search going?

There is a real bell curve going on here for “how interested I am in this story.” With the Dead Cells review, my interest was high. When FIFA story came out, I was still interested, but a little less. By the Metroid and HD Rumble stories, it was even lower. The guy is guilty as hell. However, the more stuff that comes

Honestly, I’d say the guy seems to suffer from some sort of pathology. To claim innonsence and then so boldly challenge the internet, when there’s so many other examples of copying indicates there’s some sort of disconnect in the guy - both his inability to not steal from other people, and then his lying about it, and

I think Jason/Kirk/Maddy’s comments on last week’s Splitscreen touched on this pretty well. They had a lot to say, but one of the things that stuck with me is that it is just such a taboo thing that nobody ever even thinks to look for it. Like, of course it caught them off guard because why would anybody ever

I disagree. Filip called out Jason & Kotaku specifically. I feel like they’re obligated to respond to Filip’s arrogance and egotistic attitude.

I feel bad for all the honest hard working writers at IGN in all this, it seems like in some circles they’re being found guilty by association. Good for Jason and Kotaku that they’re fairly reporting IGN’s response and reaction when discussing this story.