The E

If you don’t like the two party system, you should be fighting for reform by changing the voting system, not by voting for third parties under our current system, which doesn’t help end the two party system.

You don’t get to just pretend that your moral high ground doesn’t have real world consequences, jerk

It’s fine that you don’t want to vote for a candidate that you don’t think represents your ideals, but it is also fine that Bee lives in the real world and recognizes that: (1) there are only two candidates with a chance to win this presidential election and (2) if you refuse to vote for the one that most closely

Sam Bee is not obligated to support your quixotic dream of remaking our democracy at the expense of our actual democracy.

Holed up in the new campaign headquarters, Donald Trump could not be reached for comment.

Maybe Cuban could tell Trump what’s it like to actually have a billion dollars.

The photo, taken at a September 14, 2015 rally in Dallas, has been carefully cropped to cut out the “American Airlines Center” logo and the retired Dallas Stars jerseys hanging in the rafters

Can we just have Mark Cuban debate Trump a couple weeks from now?

Reno was the no brainer. You couldnt double my pay to live in Vegas. sorry, I grew up on the coast and we used to melt if we played football in 80 degree (or hotter) weather. seriously, we were wimps.

I was in Reno a few years back, and was amazed by the number of used car lots and “Car Title Loan” places within a block radius of the casinos. The whole downtown just reeked of desperation, with busloads of seniors cashing in their social security checks on gaming, and few others at the casinos.

I stopped over for a night in 2010 during a trip from Vegas to Portland; was working and living in Vegas at the time. There was a light dusting of snow all over. I remembered it had a very heavy sense of depression, both financially and emotionally. The locals I came across were nice, but behind their polite smiles

I lived in Reno for a thankfully short amount of time in the early ‘90s. The economy was good then, the Silver Legacy having just opened to great reception and with much fanfare, the Harrah Museum had just moved from a ratty warehouse in Sparks (“Reno’s not quite hell, but you can see Sparks from there” was a popular

I went to Reno this past winter. We used to go every other year just for the hell of it. That place is seriously one big shit hole. I can’t think of any other descriptive term.

This is great, and I’m happier having it than not... but what the shit, Sony? CaSE SeNSItiVe alph4num3r1c verification codes? Why over-complicate something that’s already got a TOTP standard in place?

If there is one thing I hate, it’s two step verification.

Such a pain in the ass. Especially if you forget to disable them when you reset your phone or something.

Coming in second place are periodic forced password changes that don’t let you reuse the same password.

*prepares for amillion comments of people stressing how

I would, but after recently being the victim of a cell phone number hack, my carrier had to change my number. I had 2 step enabled on Google, and steam. Ever try to recover your accounts that have 2 step enabled without your 2 step phone number? It’s a nightmare I’d wish on no one. Hacks can happen on both sides of 2

Guess you missed the fact that the Model S wasn’t designed to be a track monster/sports car and, regardless, those numbers indicate the car corners markedly better than a 3-legged elephant with vertigo.

Blutooth and backup camera cost $200k extra

Performance doesn’t hurt economy on a EV. A 100hp motor or a 500hp motor use the same amount of energy to cruise at 60mpg for example

Dual motor.