
I did consider and tried with varying levels of success. The most successful attempt was when my wife became pregnant with our first child about 6 years ago. I used Chantix and was quit for almost 7 months.

Maybe I’m a terrible, weak, human being, but the stress of a newborn got to me at times and I’m not the kind of

One of my supervisors at work quit smoking with e-cigs. He bought a mod-based one where you add your own liquids and can adjust the voltage and put in different resistance coils. He weaned himself off of nicotine liquids, and now only smokes liquids with 0mg of nicotine.

It’s called harm reduction, like giving heroin users clean needles (they’re gonna shoot up anyway, the least we can do is keep them from spreading diseases by using used/dirty needles). It’s much much less harmful than smoking tobacco. And second-hand dangers are non-existent, according to the studies that have been

Awesome! I smoked for 15 years and turned to a vape a year ago on Christmas Eve. I haven’t had a single puff of a cigg since then. I’m not in a rush to stop vaping, though. I don’t like attention in public so I rarely pull it out unless I’m not near others but I like this option 100 times better than cigarettes.

One advantage to vaping is that you can control the amount of nicotine. You can start with a dose that matches your cigarettes and then decrease it over time, sort of like descending order patches. The extra advantage to vaping to quit is that you have something to do with your hands.

The cloud is what draws quite a bit of people to smoke cigs to begin with...I have smoked for half of my life (Aged 31, smoker since 15, pack a day since 19).

Vaping is a thousands times better than cigarettes, even if you don’t ever plan to stop.

I think that’s a big reason vapers are so stubborn about being told where to vape, or being vilified to vaping in a mall. It’s not smoke, and it doesn’t have the associated second-hand dangers as smoke, yet everyone is completely ignorant to this fact and want to vilify someone as though they just lit up a cigar.

E-Cigs helped me and many other people quit smoking. I don’t think you should point your anger at all E-Cigs and “hope they get banned.”

Bullshit. My nose can smell all sorts of random things that other people can’t smell anywhere nearly as strong, and I never smell what vapers are vaping. Not a vaper myself either.

I respect your opinion. In all honesty, if people ask politely, it’s never a problem. It’s the people who think that they are better than me, or the people who look down on me that I have a problem with. “Hey, could you please stop doing that?” is totally fine. “Stop doing that, it’s fucking disgusting” is where I’m


You have to understand that there are a few types of people that vape. You have the people you mentioned that do it any time they can and anywhere they can because they can. This also tends to be the kind of people that build their vape rigs to make a cloud as obnoxiously huge as possible.

Yeah kid, since 15 in 1978.

No, a GM's job should be to facilitate their players having fun. I know that, as a player, I'll leave a game if I'm not having fun.

And to be fair here, Bricken, you are choosing a lot of obviously cursed items to jazz up this list. Most of the time almost none of these items should be put into play. Cursed items are supposed to be only added very rarely in play and only with some kind of plot justification—at least if you're doing you job