The Duchess Approves

I finished rewatching Rome and watched Deadpool, which I got for cheap on Prime Day. I'm a little concerned about how much I like that movie. I planted my first vegetable garden (tomatoes, okra and peppers) and went on my first Tinder date! It was definitely a zero chemistry situation, but it was good just to brush

Upvoted in sympathy. I've been through the ovarian cyst wringer too. It's awful. I went to an emergency clinic (being a dumb college student) and was told by a terrible doctor that it was (a) a cyst that would rupture and leave me infertile, (b) cancer that would leave me infertile AND (c) poop, for which she wanted

Careful now, you're giving Chuck Tingle ideas. "Eject what now?"

Understandable, and it would be weird to have the presenter read that out, but still.

We would also accept "You Stupid Bitch".

Deadpool and Casablance on Instant Video for half off

As mentioned in FTS, I finally jumped on the Tinder bandwagon. I have plans to meet up with a guy on Friday. I was chatting with another guy who is clearly not right for me - I made a Blade Runner joke in response to his asking if I'm a spambot and it confused him. Pop culture references are a must - they're at least

Ha yes, the painting. Nothing so artsy fartsy… yet.

Since people have already covered the most abhorrent fuckable shit of the last week or so, fuck internet dating. I got on Tinder yesterday for the first time (and the first internet dating I've done in a long time) and was tired of it in about an hour. So many douchetastic dudebros and married guys trying to find side

I'll work on some ladylike z-snaps.

You should definitely feel comfortable asking for clarification, or even contradicting her if you disagree. If you do and she's not receptive, then it's time to try out some new therapists.

I concur with yellow flag. Not great, but stuff happens. Doing it again, though - that's a dealbreaker, ladies! (maybe not, I just love 30 Rock)

That's very cool! Yeah, as soon as I posted that, I realized, of course there's a lot of reasons to have your phone out.

Most of the challenges would involve walking across a floor scattered with Lego bricks and completing massive sets that are all missing 3 pieces.

I stand corrected. That's a damn fine reason.

Thanks for sharing that.

The Internet sure dropped her in a Hoth minute.

Hey you kids, get off my wi-fi!