
We have seen, most starkly during the 2020 election and the January 6th terrorist attack on our Capitol

I was in from 83 to 90 as a Data System Tech 1st class when I finished. I was on the Enterprise and Long Beach. I’m 5'8" 190 rock solid muscle at the time. I was barely able to not be in the fat boys program with a 15% body fat count when I saw huge Samoans with 10% body fat because they had massive necks. the whole

Don’t forget the BAM BAM that follows that last line

it they had of been black, there would have been

Unfortunately, in Missouri, the answer is yes 

Is that why Tucker went to Fox news 

That’s an explanation that I hadn’t thought of. Everyone wants the one hitter quitter


That, deserves a lot more stars than it has


Whereas I look at this problem from the lens of being a computer engineer. To me even it WE THE PEOPLE have identified the bug of the system. The bad code is actually built into the kernel of the base OS. The only way to fix it is a major rewrite of the base code, patching of the base code may fix the issue but it

I have only one problem with your theory. It makes the assumption that the system has a bug that need to be fixed. I however contend that the system (the po-po) is working as designed. The cops were created to catch and kill us. The system is still working as designed. If this was and aircraft the entire fleet would

You cannot call Trump a cunt or an asshole. Both have more warmth and depth then he ever will 

same here except, I taught all 3 of my kids how to play

That’s the 20 billion dollar question????

Just change drunk to racist and it works

Not only that but you have to add the speed of the throw with the speed of the car leaning as it went around the corner. And the bottle still didnt break. Your right that would make a perfect Ad for henny