The Demons

I’ve been a VR skeptic but Half-Life: Alyx got me curious, so I picked up an Oculus Rift S on sale and Steam has a ton of VR games on sale (and I have a couple games already in my library that have VR support) so I’ll be messing around with that a bit. Picked up Star Trek: Bridge Crew, Elite Dangerous, The Mage’s Tale

Still plugging away at The Legend of Bumbo. I have to get a couple wins in as Bumbo the Dead to unlock the next variant Bumbo.  Unfortunately, he is just tedious to play; he’s got a very low move count, but he starts with bonus mana to spend on spells that allow him to make...extra tile moves, so it’s like I have a

Now playing

I recently dusted off my old copy of Brütal Legend and installed it on my Xbox One. It had been ten years. I wasn’t even sure if it was backwards compatible. I almost forgot how much fun and engaging the story was and the uniquely inspired art and character design.

I think we know where all the Jolt cola went.

I’ve continued to play occasional bouts of Company of Heroes 2, and find myself slowly getting used to the game again. Goddamn it’s hard, but it’s also just so awesome when you’re actually able to kind of play the game, and blow up the enemy tanks and keep your mans in cover and not let stuff die when you look away to

Thank you for writing that! It was a fascinating read, even as it described a sort of game that I’ve never liked, and have absolutely no interest in playing. I kinda like shooters ... but I never clicked with Doom and its descendants, and didn’t really come around on the genre until Half Life. But this was interesting.

So I got into Hearts of Iron IV. It’s a great to get into once you type “observe” on the console command and let The French Communist Commune not only defeat Hitler, but also the rest of the entire world.

I’ve reached a pretty stable loop with Death Stranding where I don’t know if I’m actually *enjoying* the game, but I feel compelled to keep pushing on. For all the talk that Kojima just wants to make incomprehensible movies, Death Stranding’s gameplay systems are actually well-considered. That’s not to say that

This week I’ve been mainly playing through Death Stranding, Shenmue III, and...Ring Fit Adventure. The latter is kicking my ass but probably in a good way. RPG mechanics + workouts is a surprisingly good combo.

Pokémon Shield. Just been breeding a set of Pokémon with pretty great stat rolls, so now I’m grinding until they're ready for the last stretch of the game. 

I played with friends either online or on a LAN a few times, which was fun in the “we’re bad at this, but at least we’re all drunk!” sort of way.

Video Games

It has been a busy, busy week with all kinds of home repairs and moving of things going on, so hopefully there’s a few minutes of downtime sprinkled in this weekend.

Fallout 3's gameplay told me a story about these sleepy, quaint communities of survivors, and how these people went about their daily lives unaware of the incoming migratory patterns of superpredators; unaware that within a few turns of the seasons they would surely all be extinct.”

I’ll be playing POKÉMON SWORD this weekend. I was kinda but not quite outraged by (sigh) Dexit, underwhelmed by the lackluster graphics and the apparent lack of everything new to the table but. But. BUT.

This week, not a whole heck of a lot. I’ve been doing a bit of painting, and trying to keep up with the NBA season. I had to stay late at work twice. And I drank a lot last night. Oh, and the only games I’ve had much interest in are actually hard - Heroes of the Storm and Company of Heroes 2. I’ve been trying to get

Fallout 3

I also got Death Stranding, and I’ve only played a few hours but I’m not impressed.

Having just finished Blood Meridian and prevailed in a western sort of mood (to the extent that such a book could be called a western), I finally made my way to Red Dead Redemption 2, which I had bounced off of in a big way back when it came out - didn’t consider Rockstar to have the narrative chops to match their
