The Demons
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This quick, elegant, and entertaining demonstration would be my rebuttal:

I try to treat miniature painting this way. There is no fucking way that I’m going to clean, assemble, and paint a unit of goddamn Stormguard in a single setting ... that would be insane. But, spread out in 45 to 90 minute chunks over three weeks, while listening to Jalen and Jacoby talk about basketball and bullshit

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I’ve never really played with mods myself, between barely PC gaming and preferring most games in their original vision. But, when the community is encouraged to mod, like in Skyrim, we get gems like the oddly-horrifying Thomas the Tank Dragon.

Yep yep! Agreed 100%! As you say, the gang got really enthused and played their roles to sublime perfection.

That mountains quote fits nicely.

That fire jump-rope mini-game scene ~10:30 is one of my favorite Giant Bomb moments of all time. Hall of Fame representation from everyone involved. Dan’s super tense about trying to win, Jeff is totally deadpanning it, Jason with the brilliant flash editing between the two, Brad goes into one of his rare laughing

I’ve been on a serious adventure game kick of late; maybe it’s just the Monster Hunter fatigue, but I need something with a narrative that drives me forward. Last night I dipped into an old, previously untouched resident of my Steam backlog and booted up Sam & Max 301: The Penal Zone.

It’s not quite the last gasp of

I mostly console game, but the one that always sticks out in my mind is the one for Dark Souls that changes “You Died” to “THANKS OBAMA”

Hey Gameologerinos! It’s time for Merve’s Alternative Weekend Prompt (MAWP). Inspired by Doctuar’s comment, I ask you: What is your favourite video game mod?

A rather more useful reply:

In my continuing quest to catch up on all the games I missed over the last ten years, I’m currently playing Sniper Elite III: Afrika. It’s a very well-done stealth/sniper game, with a reasonable amount of secondary objectives, some decent scripted events, and big open maps for each mission. The previous game in the

Assuming I finish my adult responsibilities in a timely fashion this weekend, my gaming time will most likely be occupied with Overwatch and Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia.

It’ll be a Fire Emblem heavy weekend for me, splitting my time between Fates and Warriors.

I finished up Super Castlevania IV on the SNES Classic. I’d kind of hoped I would come away from this one with a “this is actually better than Symphony of the Night” hot take, but it’s not quite there. It is a really beautiful game that manages a distinct and consistent visual style while still maintaining a good

I just noticed that Elite Dangerous: Horizons is part of the Steam Lunar New Year sale ($15 instead of $30),so y’all can probably guess what I’m downloading right now...

This week, I have been mostly hitting up job interviews, but between sessions, I’ve been satisfying my triple addictions.

First up Elite Dangerous. I

I feel a little guilty this weekend, because as much as I want to help out with Splatfest in Splatoon 2, I’ll be awfully busy all weekend playing Nintendogs But For Real and, Like, Probably for Fourteen Years or So. I’ve heard a lot of about this game over the years, but I’ve never actually played it myself. Sure,

I’m still on my Binding Of Isaac: Afterbirth+ bullshit. Like, to the point where I spend a lot of time at work watching YouTube Isaac playthroughs (NorthernLion for the win). I haven’t been this hooked into a game in years, and it’s at that point where I worry a little that I’m being borderline pathological here; but

Still mostly taking it sleazy with a casual replay of Super Mario 3D world. I made it to the Special levels and they still don’t really excite me that much. Also in the past week I booted up Rocket League to find out I’m still terrible, Fortnite to find out I’m somehow worse now and Wheels of Aurelia to find out it’s

I will be tackling some more Monster Hunter World this weekend. I’m in High Rank now and still having a blast, although the prospect of grinding that atrocious Zorah Magdaros quest for its set isn’t exactly getting my blood pumping.