The Delanator

Three bucks for a song you like - that you'd actually be able to play on a real guitar if you can do pro-expert?

I can't think of any movies of his that I've liked.

@MarcusMaximus: No, the dollar has just become that much weaker. I'd bet it feels cheaper to the Japanese.

@Befitzero: Nintendo doesn't generally sell hardware at a loss. I don't think they ever have, actually.

@ibro911: DS games are usually $30 of $40, right? I wouldn't be surprised to see them retail for $50 to $60.

This is a big title. Most people (the hardcore) have decent sized hard drives that would be interested in this game. Raise the cap, MS.

@Duane Llave: I have no idea. I'd like to think MS is investing it into the future health of the xbox brand, but then I see that Gears 3 is the last big exclusive currently announced.

With the time spent updating so many of the assets, you'd think it would be on the PS3 and 360, but that's not the case. The developers must hate money.

@stone632: "Boo hoo, this article isn't full of tea-party bashing and sympathy for communist killers waaaah."

@Bettik: Communism != freedom.

@3rdshift: It was okay. Worth playing through, good music. That's it.

@BK-201: The game went Gold in early August, so I'd imagine we'll hear about it by mid-October. Two months of finishing and testing a few multiplayer maps seems about right.

Oh boy, more work to get to my controllers. Great incentive.

@Weakskills: You can opt out. It's not compulsory.

@Nightshift Nurse: Thank you, thank you, thank you. This has been my sentiment exactly since sometime last year. Seriously, after Reach, Fable III and Gears 3, what's left? Kinect exclusives?

Better canceled than railed against by MSNBC or Fox as the latest Pedophile Simulator.

Crazy. I still haven't redeemed my Recon Helmet. Are they still in boxes on the shelves?

@Foxdie: I'm also sad that DoubleTwist isn't in this list. Once it remembers my place on podcasts and let's me get my password protected RSS feeds, it'll be golden for me.