The Delanator

@Lupus_Yonderboy: It's not letting me subscribe to anything password protected, though.

@Tom4Surfing: Does DoggCatcher catch password protected feeds?

Do any of these do anything for subscribing to podcasts? Is there a good app that can regularly update podcasts and connect to password-protected rss feeds?

@p.e.r.e.g.r.i.n.e.: Yes and no. I really want to get into this, but I realize they're kind of limited/pathetic right now. I don't imagine they can give you pins for going off a huge jump in the park, since that would encourage people to break legs/spines/necks.

So pumped for this. I've got my Summit Pass and am seriously considering going to Keystone on opening day (when the snow sucks) just for the day 1 pin.

What's the price? When can I pre-order so I can arbitrage at a 200% markup to rich moms browsing craigslist?

@SagiMewtwo: I hope so. I live off delicious fanboy tears.

@SpiritThief: I can actually see why people were pissed at the Cole redesign as it's a sequel, not a reboot/origin story. It would be harder to connect when he just magically transforms into another person.

@Cla: Yeah but, that's just like, your opinion, man.

At least the new Dante is fully clothed.

This is actually kind of irritating. Why show so much for a game that's guaranteed to sell millions when it's not even set to release until 2012?

Sweet. I knew there was no point in spending $18 for my girlfriend and I to see it when it'll be on a special blu-ray sale before Christmas. Movies that don't look to do well at the box office usually get turned into DVD & Blu-ray in about three months. The target for big movies is four months, now.

@CharmeleonWithAttitude: I was going to go do something like that, thanks for saving me the trouble.

@anaki: No, they would still make them. And lose money or have low production values. Console games have bigger budgets (Halo Reach) and mulitplatform (PC and Console) are still geared toward the console market. Deal with it.

@Resev: 5 out of 6 of those aren't even clearly defined.

Of course tons of people play FPSs on the PC, they're just all pirated.

So... a bunch of entrepreneurs got punished for what exactly? Everyone who uses it is doing so voluntarily. Deal with it.

Cool story, bro.

He's just jelly because, hey, look at his game's sales.

@DaMaJaDiZ: Protip: This isn't a beloved franchise... yet.