The Delanator

@Vajesticles: click the link I posted originally

@Vajesticles: I used one that wasn't associated with an XBL account.

@mcthefresh: There's one off to the left once you've been activated and enter. It's impossible to miss.

@Vajesticles: You can use any made up number. 211 is the one near me, you can look it up on BBs website.

@Vajesticles: You have to take a quiz and MS wants you to become super knowledgeable about their products. Assuming you are a salesman, this is good for them. Still, you can opt-out of their emails.


@Haroon Piracha: Yeah, that's how it works. But you can't marginalize you already in-place install group. I mean, there is a sort of unwritten contract upon sale which states, "I am selling you X feature along with this!" It'd be like later coming along and breaking whatever makes that bit function. I don't buy a car

Epic music is making sex to my ears.

@Mmm: Oh, I'm sorry. I thought I payed for that when I bought my third Xbox. Fuck 'em, I'll do what I want and there's not jack shit MS can do.

@Rebochan: Way to take an issue of property rights and turn it into something retarded.

I guess if it's my device, I can do whatever the hell I want. It seems more fair for Microsoft to have to prevent me from accessing live, rather than preventing me from buying unlicensed peripherals. I'd say their right to prevent me from using my Xbox how I want starts only when I use their service (XBL). If I'm not

Can't wait to see the 2.5 minute extended version.

This is the beginning of a huge loss on Activision's part. They've really only had three pillars of revenue, Guitar Hero, WoW, and Cod. Guitar Hero is tiring, and the next Modern Warfare game will probably not live up to expectations. I'm sure Activision will make money, they just won't be as huge.

@OhNoItsGojira: So Kotaku isn't allowed to speculate on the legitimacy of a major editorial publication?

Gimme gimme gimme. I must have it, I must relive the glory days.

@Zinger314: It's more painful than I could have imagined.

I'm sure they're lying or being mislead by Microsoft, but Bungie has said that the legendary edition will, in fact, be a limited thing.