The Delanator

@VincentGrey: Probably a console gamer who got out of college and could afford a decent rig. If I had a decent rig, I'd be playing a lot of games on the PC and with a controller.

Given that it was on the PS2 at one point, this would lead me to believe that they fucked up and didn't spend enough time in pre-production, and getting the mechanics right from the get-go.

I'd imagine that since they've got the game mechanics refined to a much higher level, all that would need to be done is build it. I mean, there's far less preproduction since they know what's going to happen and don't need to re-tool much of anything.

I hope the special stages are more like Sonic 2 than S3&K.

Pants are wet.

@saxybeast418: There's been numerous hands-on previews of the 360 version saying that the game plays on par with the PS3 version.

Three Verbatims is still less than one blu-ray.

Did MS really pay 50 million for a timed exclusive? That's damn stupid.

I don't think protein powder is all those guys are using...

Wow, Microsoft's not running a console monopoly. Take it or leave it, I say. "Unjustly enrich" sounds like textbook socialist speak to me.

@Mercsenary: I bet they're working on overhauling Source and building a new Half-Life. I mean, why let id, Crytek, and Epic become the industry tech leaders? Valve tried to capture the middle ware development kit market, and failed. Trying again with a next-gen engine would give the industry a kick in the ass.

So if the points cost different amounts, is that just adjusted based on the dollar? Like a Euro is equal to 1.2 dollars or whatever, does that mean that 80 MS points costs Europe .8 Euros? Probably not, so this is Microsoft's way of charging different prices for different regions, just like full retail games.

@Kobun: I'd have to agree. The GT5 demo that was released had sprite-people and trees with uber-flat looking ground textures. The physics have been bumped up quite a notch, but I can't tell any difference between Forza and GT5 in that regard.

@gypsygib: The game is rendering 40+ unique AI onscreen and 20 vehicles. There will be more going on and the game runs in 720p. Plus, these screen shots are kind of poor-quality and seem grainy for some reason.

This game is right up there with Halo Reach for my most anticipated 2010 titles. It's taking everything that I saw Borderlands kind of flirt with and taking it a base further.

I was going to go on about how I understand why other people like this game, but it's not for me. But then I saw Luke's reply.

So there arresting him for committing no crime. Huh. Even selling them does not prove piracy (only imply it). This is why I'd never want to even visit Britain with their nanny-state mentality.

@Elliuotatar: Okay, but the first sale doctrine doesn't really mean shit when it was thought of before the current market landscape. Markets have to adjust, and no amount of government meddling is going to make it operate any more efficiently. It may work better for you, but I doubt any developer would be okay with

@Elliuotatar: So companies should have no say in the terms of the licenses they created and decide to sell?