The Delanator

@eck0: Aww, how cute. A typical liberal who automatically (and oh-so wrongly) assumes another's political compass because they're in disagreement. You've got a keen eye.

@cipher.Cero: I think community management does indeed take responsibility in keeping the community up-to-date on the development process since that's what they've always done.

@JohnRabbit: Technically, by making kick-ass games and keeping people employed, Bungie is already doing their part in helping the US economy.

I get the whole, let's-help-people-who-got-genocided-by-an-earthquake-bit. Really, it's fine and very heartfelt to have a donation button on your website and for Bungie to make this whole campaign. However, it seems a little self-strokery for a video game company to refuse to update us about their damn game because of

@Techno-Atom: You're confusing profit with revenue. Bungie does not make billions in profit, they make many millions. That money is funding their next project. Bungie has also stated that they have no problems being a break-even development studio. You're basically saying that because they can donate millions, they

That was about the most painful thing I've witnessed in the history of video game trailers. The song synced terribly with the action, the characters are spouting shallow psuedo-intellectual philosophical one-liners. If this is really the kind of tone the game is going to give me for 40 hours, I'll have to avoid it

@Sisee: Yes, us refined proper gamers (pinky out!) really care about logos on boxes.

The image metrics thing has my mind blown. The characters faces in Halo games has always been a little shitty. So to see them animate well is also awesome.

@tehsquish: Bungie stated that the game will be far bett than Halo 3 with respect to anti-aliasing. Whether or not it runs in full 720p or not remains to be seen. The article (which has scans up all over the internet, now) mentions four player co-op and at least two player slit-screen.

Sonic Adventure's camera and slippery controls will not have aged well. I loved the game to death back in '99. SA2 is unbelievably overrated by fans, though. Two-thirds of the game was complete garbage.

@Gambit09: And just about every punk band from the 80's.

@BigManMalone: On your first point: Yes this is true, however companies do have a reputation to uphold and there is a market that cares about this type of crap. If they can be both green, profitable, and appeal to a wider market, why shouldn't they?

It comes in different colors! At least on Amazon. That's why the back is purple/blue/black.

@Ian Wish: My first thought, exactly.

@expansionsss - the jaded gamer: Yeah, but if you were a real gamer you'd quickly find that it's the only place to play greats like inFamous, Uncharted 2, and Killzone 2. Is it really worth $300 over the course of a console generation just to hate something you don't own?

Visual style? 80% of the game is bronze, brass, gold and yellow with the other 20% being drips of blue, white, black and red. It's like someone pissed on a clown. Plus, she doesn't look human at all. Why are her ears so low and near to her jaw-line? Is that a gourd on her head? Why do all the angels look like they

@ColinStein: This. I remember seeing the show premier after the Super Bowl and loving it. Then it got canned, I cried and bought the DVDs. As soon as the show came back on it was fan-service and self-referential jokes.

@Sedako: Having played both, I'd say you've made a good choice. This is much more refreshing than Bayonetta which, while not a bad game by any means, is riddled with every modern action game cliche (QTEs, drawn out dialogues, etc.). Darksiders, I find, is riddled with every classic game cliche and I like Metroid/Zelda

@Shinta: No, I've been playing the 360 version of Bayonetta and there's a good screen tear every 30 seconds to a minute or so. Her design is fine, if weird. The enemy character design is what I have a problem with, it's just angel parts stuck together Picasso style.