The Constable

Yeah, one thing TNG/DS9 era Star Trek and Terry Pratchett got right is that there’s no such thing as villains... just people who are fanatical enough about achieving their goals that they’re willing to kill you for standing in their way.

Lazily written two-dimensional baddies are so boring, and one of the few areas

Yeah, a big baddie in a series set at the Star Fleet Academy makes me suspicious about the quality of the underlying story arc, which also raises my concerns for the overall series.

It’s already interesting that Discovery would take what was, well, a discovery of knowledge, and turn it into a more tangible, galaxy-threatening object.

AI is an augmentation, not a replacement.

AV Club and the takeout are being sold, the first to Paste the second to a food oriented group.

We’re approaching the bottom of this long decline, it’s been an honor.

Several appear to have gone away, then come back...

They just shut off comments on Kotaku and The Takeout this week. It feels like with the sell-off and whathaveyou with the subsites, each comment section is gonna get picked off like Thanos collecting Infinity Stones.

Wut? So comments are getting closed on io9, or may soon be?

*sees comments getting shuttered across the Gizmodoverse*

Akira Toriyama is skipping the line at King Yemma’s and going straight to the World of the Kai’s. Safe travels down Snake Way Toriyama-San

Just a heads up, $wag Messiah is noted troll universalamander. Best not to reply. 

37. The Blackbird will also go to Magneto.

Why am I not surprised Xaviers will was the size of a book!

The Villain of the Mandalorian movie should be Evil Baby Yoda who looks exactly the same as Baby Yoda but he’s Red. 

Using “many” as a hedge there means this doesn’t actually disagree or contradict the quoted line, you know.

“...extremely basic...”

I haven’t read GoT, but my understanding is that those books have an absolute abundance of detail. Cixin Liu’s characters have names, jobs, and a gender and that pretty much concludes development and arcs. I think DnD are essentially back in the position of adapting an outline.

The droplet scene(s) was/were incredible, but for what it’s worth, and to keep it equally vague, I found the sophons and the “piece of paper” equally mind-blowing as sci-fi concepts.

Wow this takes me back. The dude was a few years ahead of me in jewelry school. He always had cool stories to tell, and was always willing to split his lembas bread with anyone who was in need. Betcha the books never mention stuff like that.