You know what's fucked up, I know I've watched every single one of those clips before. I'm a sinner.
You know what's fucked up, I know I've watched every single one of those clips before. I'm a sinner.
@freedomweasel: So the joke was him pretending to act like diamonds are metallic? Hilarious. Apparently your sense of humor is far superior to mine because I actually thought he was simply misinformed while trying to put a playful spin on the ol' "immovable object meets unstoppable force" conundrum.
@themightyspitz: Diamond isn't a metal. It's carbon.
This is exactly the type of behavior I expect from the Android type.
What a great role model.
@Bombos: Well, that whole LED for grow lights is a pretty hot topic. Some swear on their grandmother's grave that it'll never be able to replace traditional HID lights. But people don't fully realize that a shit-ton of those HID lights discharge a lot of non-absorbable light, ie., green. The energy needed from LED…
Yeah, LEDs, that's where indoor hydroponic growing is headed.
@jdale: Without googling, didn't that quote come from Lyndon B. Johnson? I could swear it was a president. Anyway, great quote and some sound advice that a lot of people should follow.
It's because Twitter doesn't give you enough characters to make yourself look like a complete jackass.
This has to be the coolest guy to ever walk the face of the planet, I'm talkin' bigger than Jesus here, people. He created the Super Soaker AND he's going to save the earth. If he didn't get the Nobel for the former he should get it for that latter.
Doesn't seem to be very effective at keeping any sort of privacy. But as far as fucking with people, highly effective.
@Loonm: Stealing apps is hardly a valid counterpoint when debating Android vs iPhone. If anything, it's one more reason to NOT go with Android. If developers are consistently getting their shit ripped off from a ceratain OS do you really think they're going to stay there? The answer is no. That's why the quality…
Tri-Tone, that's it, there is no other. I even imported it from the iPhone when I went Android for a while.
Slightly off-topic, but I see a lot of Chet Zar inspiration in Sam Spratt's illustrations. Both artists are fantastic by the way.
@kodychamberlain: This isn't so much about convenience as it is about finding out what the fuck millions of people are actually putting into their bodies.
@jarmod: Part of the whole decision making process is to teach them how to surround themselves with good, honest people. So, hopefully, if they're not sexting, their core group of friends won't be either.
@Billybird: You guys are very good at making me look retarded. I can't shake this feeling that I should have already known this.
Hell yeah, I love technology, it's allowing me to be less and less involved with my kids. Now instead of having to go through the ridiculous troubles of educating and actually teaching them good decisions vs bad decisions, I can just prevent them from happening all together. Steve Jobs, thanks for looking out for…