
Definitely an amazing actress. I loved her in the Witch, but she’s just as good in Emma. Such an otherworldly presence (and good taste in picking roles!), I look forward to what’s next for her.

The therapy scenes don’t work because they were stolen wholesale from the therapy scenes in Ordinary People, right down to Robin William’s facial hair.

In what universe is Midsommar “elevated”? It’s a poorly made knock off of a classic B-movie, Wicker Man. The plot is barely above that of a Twilight Zone episode (and factually, far worse than that, because Twilight Zone at least kept you in suspense, Midsommar shows it’s cards in the first 20 minutes.).

I think you’re understating it.  Drop the “involved” and I’m with you.

He’s sure to fail when there’s no other screenwriter’s soul to suck.

Funny, people love to diss Avatar for its clumsy script, but stacked against that list it’s tied with Titantic as the most intellectual of the bunch.

Parents wishing they could get a solid 15 minutes to themselves so they can sneak out and smoke a joint on the porch (then brush their teeth, wash their face and hands, and fabreeze themselves head to toe before being asked to go make more popcorn)?

What a shame. Yes, Jenkins is one of our best filmmakers right up until the point when you force him to direct the equivalent of a Disney straight-to-DVD sequel except with better technology.

I think you’re tripping on Maya Rudolph—her impersonation of Harris is so singular and so perfect, it actually improved my opinion of Harris. Like, Maya made Kamala cool, nobody else could do it with such precision and aplomb.

Man, if the second half of Lynch’s Dune was as good as the first, it wouldn’t get soo much hate.  I absolutely love it until they get to the Fremen and it turns into the cliffs notes version of the rest of the story.

Excellent. I hope they give Snyder all the money and all the time he needs to make the 100% ultimate Snyder cut exactly the way he wants it. Let that man make his vision!!

Not shocking that someone named “Reid” wouldn’t be into cool shoes. 

I though boring exposition was his trademark.

Well, there is this article, for example.

She can read the wikipedia summary, then look at a few pictures of the characters, and probably be okay, especially if you know the comic and can help her understand a few key points. 

Oh, great news. Blumhouse’s Halloween was one of the stupidest movies of the year, and completely took a flying shit on Halloween and Jamie Lee Curtis at the same time. It was H20 part 2. Why not let those nimrods further ruin one of the greatest movies of all time?

I would have been interested what the writer felt about how “sexy” the movie ended up being. I mean, this movie is about cheerleaders and is ostensibly pitched at girls, but JEEEZUS is it pervy, leering at the young actresses like it’s about to transform into Cinemax.

Brits say the C-word with impunity—they’ll call their mum a C-word when they’re being cheeky.

It’s going to be pure unadulterated ass.

Plus we’d already seen that Neo can easily run away, and that none of the fights really matter, so why in the shit was he continuing to hang around and have these elaborate fights just to have them?