
But you’re comfortable with a ride based on a movie created by a sexual predator, John Lasseter?

I appreciate the problems around Song of the South, but consider:

Now playing

Without exaggeration Shumacher’s greatest achievement was creating the conditions for this video to exist:

Yes, now I’m “angry” because I’m pushing back on the illogical assertion that her statement means old women who’ve stopped menstruating aren’t women. I must be “angry” to push back on that silly assertion!

You know you’ve won an argument when the other person starts calling you dumb.  

My comments pointing out the logical fallacies in this poster’s comments are transphobic?? Damn, seems like everybody who disagrees with this mob is transphobic, huh? No reason allowed in this comment section, that’s straight transphobic!!

Who could argue with that sound logic?  You’ve certainly put Ms. Rowling in her place.

Again, you’re suggesting that her statement was meant to imply that women who don’t menstruate aren’t women? Are you telling me that she think her mother and grandmother stopped being women when they stopped menstruating?

Yeah, but I would still hope that people standing up for what’s right would be the bigger people and demand reason.  If not, if we can get upset about facially silly things (like the suggestion that women who don’t menstruate aren’t women), then we’re no better than Trump. 

Great argument, I’m convinced.

So if I hear you correctly, you agree with what I’m saying, but you’re going to ignore it because you’re already convinced she’s transphobic. Makes sense, no wonder the left is doing so well.

So you’re saying that you believe her comments stated that people who don’t menstruate aren’t women.  Grandmas aren’t women.  That’s what she was saying.  Got it.

It’s why the left will always lose. This past Tuesday I saw 75% of my instagram feed participate in Blackout Tuesday by posting an all-black photo in solidarity with the BLM movement, and then, later that day, the other 25% telling them they were idiots for undermining the BLM movement and acting as corporate shills.

Certainly you don’t understand the statement “women menstruate” to mean “every woman menstruates,” do you? “Men start wars” is an entirely accurate statement, but of course we know that not every man starts a war.

Yeah, I mean, I’m not going to subscribe to a service for one show, so like here, I’m just shit out of luck.  And no, cable isn’t cheap, but where I live the cost of the internet and the internet plus cable are the same (you gotta take that cable), so I already have 16 million channels.  Seems crazy to stack up too

Like so often these days, too bad I’ll never be able to see this because I don’t subscribe to this service.  I long for good old cable where most everything was readily accessible without breaking the bank.

Oh, no, sorry, I’m not upset about it at all. I’m just citing the fact that she kept her daughter’s father from seeing her father for the first seven or eight years of her life to support my opinion that Padma isn’t particularly “good or nice.” Indeed, I would say that ANYONE who willfully kept their child away from

We signed up, but I quickly realized we already owned most of the movies on the site (all the MCU and Disney shit), or had seen them enough times to know we didn’t need to see them again, and we burned through the new material in a matter of weeks.

Agreed, of the eight people who chose to comment on this section, I am indeed in the minority.

Can’t argue with that!