
I think a variation of this happened to nearly every woman. It happened to me when I was 16, walking into a nightclub wearing a short skirt when some rando tried to put his fingers in my pants. I was too young and shocked to say anything but I was enraged afterwards.

maybe i’m still wearing my rose-colored glasses, but at first reading of this story, it seems like he really gets it and is remorseful and isn’t just doing this to be all “hey look how good and changed i am”.

you don’t have any rage because this guy isn’t fighting the accusations, he completely admits wrongdoing and quit all his jobs. Like its like hearing a rapist ask for the death penalty. obviously he did wrong and you should hate him, but he clearly knows he did wrong and wants the consequences

Friend of a friend took upskirt photos of me when I was 19 while we were out bowling and posted them on Facebook. And tagged me.

Just a few weeks ago, I was having a drink with a girlfriend when this drunk (in an entertaining way, at first) guy started to talk with us. We were all having a really fun conversation, when suddenly he started touching me all the time. He kept coming over to where I was sitting and touching my hair, my feet, my

Stories like this make me think some good has come out of the release of that Trump tape (beyond contributing to his eventual loss in the presidential race, hopefully). I’ve seen an amazing number of testimonials online by women about being casually, inappropriately grabbed and groped by men, and it does seem to be

in high school a boy made up a story that he had fingered me. later, a guy came up to me while we were getting on a bus and said, “ryan told me his fingers smell like fish because of you.” he said this in front of other people. my friends, my mortal high school enemies. i was mortified. it was all untrue (i hadn’t

Yeah, when you don’t remember doing this but you’re all, “Yep, sounds like me.” That is not a good sign of your overall character.

This image I hope has a longer shelf life than the election.

because he was taught, they are all taught, in some twisted fashion, that they did nothing wrong...that they have every right to do whatever they wish, to whomever they wish.

I just made a similar comment. It’s sad that we’re not even shocked by this.

A little more backstory, this guy was well known to be a vile asshole within the film critic community but got away with it for years due to his power and number of friends/supporters. A lot of people weren’t shocked to hear this and many have spent the past few days cheering his demise on Twitter.

Sad thing is, I’m not really shocked. I think many women have stories like this. Multiple stories. Good thing he seems to take it seriously and doesn’t brush it off with ‘locker room talk’.

How many men do we really think would have this said to them, have no memory of it whatsoever, yet immediately make a full public apology and resign from their job. I am going to guess none. You bet your ass he remembers, and just doesn’t want this to explode any further.

What is so striking to me is that something that can be traumatic and have such lifelong effects on the victim can not even be a blip on the perpetrator’s radar.

After this latest Trump nastiness, I casually mentioned to my husband how often men had gotten handsy or creepy or even slightly inappropriate with me over the years, particularly when I was young, and he was shocked. And I don’t feel like I got an unusual amount of attention for a reasonably attractive woman (but not

there is so much...something?...from both of these people. i’m...kind of in awe? still horrified, but also...there’s not the usual amount of rage pumping through my veins rn?

What in the hell would make you think it is appropriate to shove your hand down another person’s pants without permission?

What kind of shitfuck sticks his hand in a girl’s vulva without her permission and then asks his friends to smell his fingers? Dude is fortunate she didn’t just cut his throat when she found out.