
Uhh, so we're literally just reposting Daily Fail misogynistic clickbait bullshit now? I know Jez is running on a skeleton crew lately and I don't expect academic dissertations on global economic issues anyway, but would a tiny bit of quality control kill us?

It's the TSA guy's fault that dumbfuck noob cannot read? Anyway, chief, the people who don't know how to go through TSA aren't reading this blog, so this recommendation may well save you time, because the Never Flown Before set is going to be there no matter what you or I or anyone else thinks. So chill.

This is correct. Printing a boarding pass at home costs 4 cents, tops. Being built for speed means being ready for tech to fail at airports—which, inevitably, it will. The idea that the mobile boarding pass is a timesaver is laughable.

1) Build in time. Be patient. You are flying on the busiest days of the year. That is your choice.

Excellent article, Kara.

Agreed. However I'd argue that today's definition of "online dating" is really "online matching", since being geographically close allows meeting to happen much quicker and once a couple has had that first face to face it really isn't "online" dating at that point.

As a former dance mom, it bothered me that all of the dancers had to wear the same "nude" color tights, because I thought it looked odd on the other girls who weren't the color of Casper.

Ok, good point. But there is also the fact that maybe his ties don't live there. Maybe they live somewhere else, like maybe they have their own chateau. Just ballparking here.

I know a guy who prides himself on the fact that he will walk into any nice restaurant and demand to speak to the head chef immediately. Then he says "I don't want anything on the menu, I want you to make me your personal best/favorite dish." He is convinced every chef loves him for this. I am convinced otherwise.

Wow, everyone wants 10 million today. It's a clearance extravaganza! All 10 millions must go!

Wait, WHAT inevitable piss dribble stain? Men constantly dribble pee?

Shit. I like to do the driving AND I don't go to church.

So are you saying...God didn't make me?

*flames appear*

I sympathize with Ms. Garner, but that collection is hella ugly. Not what I plan to wear this fall.

He's Lady Mary's current new love interest - possibly (Lord Gilligham). He and the other guy that's too short for her are wooing her to the max. In real life he's a total hunk of love, Welsh and dark and brooding. I'm not sure why I know all of this.…

... because the answer is obviously "no."

@the.bleach: omg this is totally TMI but I HAVE THE SAME BOOB ARRANGEMENT AS YOU!! thus i stick to halters. they are flattering as they cover the excesss top boobabge and can be adjusted to give the illusion of cleavage...which as we wide-boob-spaced girls know is generally impossible.