
Maybe I'm very uncouth but if this was a choice on a menu I wouldn't order it. It sounds like a confusing mess of flavors!

I don't know if it was being 14 during the Jordan years or what, but Jordan is still mesmerizing to me, while Adam is alarming. In a bad way.

Wait, isn't "Nicole Mullen" a satirical account run by a man?

Ditto this.

I've always been tested for HPV.

Um, pardon me. Who is on the far right?

* airplane hangar not airplane hanger. I specify this only out of pure, gut-wrenching terror that developed when I read "airplane hanger" here and thought I'd misedited a large section of a children's book that's currently at the printer.

I had a featured gurlPage twwwiiiiice and I learned HTML ONLY because I meandered over to Gurl in some ill-intended search involving masturbation or nipples. Just think how I would have wound up had Gurl not existed. I learned coding! and eventually went to MIRC! Instead of, like, finding porn (which is what I

She doesn't drink, so she may as well just pregnant things up!

We aren't supposed to wear those anymore?

My name is available! ::panics::

Lambskin condoms are for people with latex allergy.

I totally respect that lesbians don't spend as much intimate time with penises and vice versa for the gays and the vages, but I think it's infantalizing and divisive to pretend that gay men live in a world where babies are birthed through Muppet faces.

This is dumb as shit. Unless the gay men are also blind men who grew up in the Bible Belt and had no sex education, this is contrived. Lesbians know what a penis is and gay men know what a vagina is. We can all draw zebras and elephants and most of us don't see those very often either.

If I know anything about Martha's social media skills, she's been penning this response since Blake's website launched, but it took until now for her to properly post it.

Actually I feel like Britney has come full circle and is super David Lynch-esque. I'd have them both to a dinner party.

Stick with Choose Your Own Adventure.

Ditto. When I saw the movie I was like, there's a baby? I only remembered Egg. and a green light.