
Hahaha I was imagining a special sort of small bird.

Are there really 500 lb toddlers in this world?


Bah. Headlines are so lame. This article would be more accurately titled: "Melissa McCarthy has a lot of insightful things to say about how her size is perceived in Hollywood and how she feels about her body, and that her mood changes frequently as anyone's does."

Will do. What on EARTH is a clapping Gosling? I can't even Google that!

Ummmm these articles that just spawn racism/rape "is she lying" comments are tiring me. Can't we have some happy lady topix??

Totally agree with this point. I expected a little bit more revelatory insight here than "if you fuck a guy 3 hours after meeting him, you are not headed to the altar." You are not headed to the altar when you're not headed to the altar. Period. You fuck a guy when you fuck a guy. These tracks may be completely

I hate Wikipedia! Not everything benefits from being created democratically. I want a democratically-rendered encyclopedia about as much as a democratically-rendered pap smear.

Wow, I've never read anything like this. Good on you for writing so clearly and earnestly about this scary topic. This piece should be used educationally, I could imagine it being a resource.

Well, that was your last thread with me, Patti Stanger. Hope it was worth it! Have fun enjoying the terrible people left in your corner (hint: it's gotten very small!)

To be fair, only one of those photos depicts Rihanna grabbing her ass. Color me slightly disappointed.

OH. Everything=explained. Good call.

That Jewel to Leann Rimes Tweet really confounds my theory that they are the same person. Now if Emily Blunt would three-way tweet with Katie Perry and Zoey Doeschanel my alien conspiracy theories would be complete.

See I like Katie Holmes's outfit because it sort of matches the project she is promoting: confusingly distributed, worth seeing but only available on iTunes or Netflix streaming, classic material but presented in a slightly modern/sloppy manner. Fits for me!

I am way to shaky in high heels to carry babies around while wearing them.

Didn't Sofia have her own clothing line? Wasn't Milkfed hers? I remember owning something very expensive from that line. And Zoo York. I was the kid that hung around the skate shop and used a DJ bag, not a backpack.

Erotic Game/50 fanfic, anyone?

Haha—my doctor suggested weight watchers and gave me a coupon for it to be free! Ilovermont.

A vampire golden retriever

Shit. I run my company's Twitter. Does this mean stalkers are going to come showing up where I am Twittering?