
If birthday cake and Wedding cake are both in the final four, I'm going to be pissed. WHERE ARE MY CAKES OF COLOR?

I actually wrote a whole story using Polyvore when I was dying of whooping cough...kept me plenty amused.

A picture of Jesse James wearing a Nazi cap and making a Nazi salute may surface shortly.

@RosietheRiveting: Are you suggesting that the same number of people should receive vaccine in each state, regardless of population?

Methinks a man who "fucks a lesbian" is being a wee bit misled (or is lying), Paris or no.

Hahahaha I love all these shoes.

I'd like to give kudos to Ki restaurant, in Toronto (and thereby, all of Canada, who I generally always hold to high regard). On a recent 3-day business trip I scrimped my per diems, eating at Subway for every meal, so I could enjoy a decadent $120 sushi dinner solo on my final night in town.

@mitzihome: I'm thinking. I'm more of a Joan Jett/Patti Smith sort of girl when I'm looking for an anthem. But I think Neko Case, Ani Difranco, Patty Griffin, Erykah Badu, Erin McKeown and Dragonette have an air of the feminist anthem to them.

Merr...other than Liz Phair, I'd hardly call any of these feminist anthems.

This debate sort of tires me. Gays in the military, gays in Uganda, and gays wanting to go to their prom in Mississippi get my vote of sympathy.

I just want to point out that these are The Sun's other top 3 headlines, below this story:

@tangodiva: Completely agree! I actually know enough about Jezebellian style that I went right to this section, with Defending Saldana's dress on my mind. This dress is young, fashion-forward, has an urban sensibility and defines Saldana as a unique person. It was my favorite gown of the night.

@GreyEminence: I liked "Le Divorce" and "Almost Famous". I think Kate's funny. And I think she's self-aware.

This is allowed on TV, after that whole outcry after the young girl who had won a dance position for Carnivale?

This quote made me KNOW the story was true:

@MerryLilly: I am glad to hear you say that. Sometimes I think Jez errs on the side of calling out Hollywood's supposed falesities, but she really does just look to me like she aged five years and got a wee bit friendly with her foundation bottle.

@rhubarbarin: WHOA. I did not see that part of that season!

What does that photo have to do with the topic?

Yet another facet of life that rural Vermont pushes you through sort of painfully. I've grocery-shopped alongside my therapist, gynecologist, the Sheriff who gave me a (stone-cold sober) field sobriety test while I was wearing heels, and the woman I plead student loan refinancing with.

@the.bleach: And by the way: no sex of any kind. No penises anywhere nearby. I swear to god, I will go to my grave shrieking this story like a lunatic, but it's true. They just do not totally understand HPV and women's reproductive cancers yet. Don't skip your screenings!