
I think someday we will remember this show with the same fondness we relegate to the Macarena.

The only time I got robbed of anything, I was 17 and I announced to a crowd of quasi-friends, "my roommate has a lot of marijuana." One unlocked freshman dorm room door later, PR gift from Kelly Cutrone :(

@morninggloria: I know, right? I'm not sure this lady wants to really think about portable valuables right this minute. Although maybe it's a good message: I WILL CARRY A POCKETBOOK WORTH MORE THAN THE AVERAGE MONTHLY SALARY, AND YOU WILL NOT TAKE IT!

My boyfriend pointed out that, unfortunate as it may be, in this country it is technically illegal to "gift" someone gender reassignment surgery.

Liquid charcoal

We need to prank Cosmo by pitching ridiculous story ideas to them and see if they hire us.

I have yet to understand how my breasts are positioned on my torso so radically different than other women's (wide shoulders? more top boob than bottom boob? all of this is true...) but the wrap dress always gives me an obscene amount of visible side-boob, no matter how tightly I wrap it.

@Hamsterpants: Maybe on A Very Special Tyra we'll learn she's never met the big O.

@meloroast: Ditto. At least I've never stooped so low as to think "self defense" included "protecting yourself from the police rightly arresting you for domestic battery." And I've never called myself a "fragile flower." And I'd wager I'm a bit more fragile-appearing than Madame Moonface up tehre.

@AbbyNormal: It's interesting you bring this perspective up, I date a recovering addict who is really opposed to the show personally. He thinks it's an OK concept but can't even be in the room when it's on. He feels worse about Intervention than about Celebrity Rehab...

Is it fair to post a sexy pic of a man while decreeing his rape charges? It makes my brain confused.

Reminds me of Margaret Atwood's Edible Woman.

@lolo: Totes agree.

TMI (but that's why posting is better than talking) but I always wondered why my vagina sometimes smells garlicky when I eat too much of the stuff.

I am tearing with jealousy. I live in a happy, happy place, but the only reason Joan Didion would ever come here is if she wanted to go skiing.

I think the pairing of those two news items is a bit insensitive.

Er, isn't this Jen's second cover this year where she spilled her guts about Angelina to Vogue readers only whilst wearing a red dress and making an incredulous expression?

@bleumoon: You really think that it's a never scenario?

Hm. I never think it's good strategy for one group to focus on overtaking another. I have been hearing Prop 8 be blamed on "the Hispanics" six or seven times this week and it really irritates me, even though people preface it with the get-out-of-jail-free "not to be a racist or anything...." I don't think I'd