
OK, OK, yes, the act of Peter dying and Doc Ock taking over his body sucked, but “Superior Spider-man” actually is a really good arc. It expanded Doc Ock from what he’d been stuck as for years, and it gave Peter Parker a chance to shine. The arc ended with Ock admitting that Peter was the best Spider-man. Peter came

I don’t think Millar means it’s about secret identities as in the plot device of keeping secret. He means we’re more engaged with them as people we get to know than the powers and identities they do heroism in. The MCU got its momentum from absolutely nailing Steve Rogers and Tony Stark and pulling off a miracle with


Christ you’re so fuckin fragile you’ve broken into a thousand stupid fragile comments

Please don’t vote for people who allow these kids to be killed.

Two part process. First, require that all firearms be registered in a central database, including sales and movement of said firearms. Owning an unregistered firearm becomes a felony at a certain point. If someone has a gun registered in their name and it was involved in a crime, if they did not report the firearm as

I could see that rebuttal, except that we’ve seen that most of the characters espoused and embodied Federation ideals from the get-go. From day one the main characters (excepting Lorca)prioritized protecting the innocent and exploring new life and new civilizations. The very first scene is the lengths the Shenzhou

Oh, and for the record, a fight between Goku and Sonic would end with them kissing.

Yeah, but the guy who played his brother was OK, right?

Natalie Portman comes to mind...

Would you have gotten Airpods if cabled headphones were not made more inconvenient

Until Philly issues a collective apology to Joe Jurevicious for mocking him during the ‘02 NFC Championship about his critically ill NICU premature son (who died shortly after the Super Bowl), the Eagles can go to hell.

Hey, no Killer Frost?


a constant helps solve an equation given different variables

I honestly thought that one scene of them looking at Chewie in horror as he’s about to eat one of their own as the funniest part of the movie if only for the fact that he feels really guilty about it.

R2D2 doing an explicit call-back to A New Hope and Luke sighing and telling him that that’s a cheap move.

It was not on her to explain herself to Poe. It was on Poe to have faith in her leadership. As soon as he finds out her plan, he plans a mutiny. Because he thinks he knows better. He’d have done the mutiny earlier if she’d told him. That’s all. If he’d followed orders like everyone else in the Resistance, the plan

Why does Snoke’s backstory matter? We don’t know Obi-Wan’s backstory, and it makes not a whit of difference. Ditto for Yoda. Every i and t does not need to be dotted and crossed.

Good stuff. The guy has skills and I like his attitude. The thing is, the mythical superhero has enough strength in one arm to easily lift him/herself, so the handicap is balanced pretty easily.