the bees knees

Nope! Not stereotypes. Actual observed (and extensively studied) patterns of behavior. Men are socialized to believe that they are entitled to take up space. Women are socialized to believe that they need to take up as little space as possible. Calling this double standard out has literally nothing to do with guys who

Here ya go: MANJACKING: “The phenomenon of men hijacking a conversation, hearing or forum about women’s rights and interjecting their opinions to make it all about them and their issues. “ Sweetie, this ain’t about you. It’s a discussion of misogyny in academia. Stop trying to make it about you and all those poor

My favorite part is that he’s gay. I mean, let’s totally take advise from the gay man about how to treat women in a sexual relationship. Sounds like a solid plan.

Wow! Look at all the straw feminists!

Honey, no. Let me explain some things to you. First of all, cut it out with the pompous, flowery language. You don’t sound profound. You sound like a bad 12th grade English paper.

From my perspective, it’s their own perception of lack of control without even considering that DESIRE is a two way street.

Hey dude. Fellow privilege haver here. As the kids say, let’s rap.

This might seem like ad hominem on the surface, but if you look at some of the most noisy, attention-obsessed PUA-MRA types, most of them were virgins well into their mid-20s if not later. As in years after most people start having some semblance of a sex life. That sort of frustrated self-loathing and fixated belief

I don’t think gay MRAs are particularly surprising, considering that gay male misogyny is a real thing. What is hated is femininity, among women, among the faggier men, as well as a revulsion against the female body. Masculinity is still prized and hegemonic. This is not the complicity masculinity of straight men who

Never before has a username befitted a comment so well.

Not to mention how the MRA view women as passive targets. If these fellas weren’t so self-centered, they might find out just how much effort women have to make just to get with a man they like. How much worry they go through before they even give it a shot. If it looks easy to you, it’s because you treat her like an

How about you explain a bit more, like how exactly men don’t have channels to express their emotions? How is that? Because I have an earful of men’s emotions expressed through internet anonymous channels, usually venomous hatred and anger and contempt for women. They have a lot of powerful channels to express

I’m always baffled how MRAs view sex as something women control for nefarious purposes, like it’s a physical shiny toy we’re holding just out of their reach. We aren’t hiding something that rightfully belongs to humanity in general; we simply want to control our own bodies.