I’m with you. It is okay. You can do this!
I’m with you. It is okay. You can do this!
They don’y have to con the IRS, the laws are written in their favor already.
So he left the band around the time Corgan’s new wife was turning 2?
Why even argue this? It sounds perv-apologistic.
If you’re ex-Mo check out @myunderwearwillsaveme on Instagram. Good shit.
Maybe if we tear down any progress or significant moments the infighting will distract from the big picture and we’ll never get anything done...oh wait...
Like Fox does for yours?
Seriously. Your lack of giving of a shit I guess does not outweigh click quotas?
Something something not big enough to carry my white guilt?
Do you have any idea how much gentrification is happening in Portland right now? This is eternally relevant. You sound ignorant when you say it’s a utopia. Utopia for white dudes? Sure. But where isn’t that true?