
What? Really? That's a thing?? Now I have to play it.

I recently picked up the Zack story that came out for the PSP… Crisis Core? They really should have made it exactly like FFVII instead of making that new stupid combat engine that interrupts the action with some fucking slot machine shit. I probably would play it more if it weren't for that, but since the combat's not

I have only played it on the PC (with good music hardware), and there are patches for it now that it allow it to run in high def. I guess that would be possible with an emulator, too, but it looks fantastic. It can't scale the 2D backgrounds well, but I still dig it— and best video game soundtrack ever. Maybe IX's is

Your mom has a more "lived-in" feeling.

Sorry, I Thought this was an online video game discussion.

And everyone watched from the airship as Cloud and Tifa plowed.

Yeah! It's really twisted and I missed a lot of it the first time. It's actually a really interesting tale that is not clearly told (and I think that's for the better). Of course, at the end of the Jenova fight after Aeris is killed and Sephiroth/Jenova mock Cloud's sadness by saying that he's only a puppet… that was

The snake was impaled on a tree. President Shinra was impaled on a sword. I think Sephiroth was working out some sexual frustration in a very maladaptive way.

But following him from place to place also worked for the narrative beyond "because the game said so." I mean, mechanically, yes, it was because the game said so, but Cloud is also being drawn, and for a lot of the game, his hero talk is post-hoc rationalization for why he's doing what he's doing. He's going to the

That makes a shitload of sense. Those scenes are tonally and cinematographically so much different than the rest of the show. Sure, they still have a "made for TV" quality to them, but they are at least of quality. Later, when they restore power to Boulder, they tried to recapture those early shots, but they were

Flagg's swanky 80s apartment.

No, the Kurgan played Byron Hadley. I'm not sure who this Clancy Brown fellow is.

All of these details from the book are making me glad I hadn't read it before I saw it. I should definitely pick it up, though. I just think I would have been horribly disappointed in the miniseries (as most people commenting had been). There have been a few instances where I read the book after having seen the movie

Yeah, I wasn't as offended as I sounded. I was trying to finish lunch and get back to work (I have AV Clubbin' to do, god damn it!) and hurried through that thought. Molly Ringwald and Parker Lewis were both awful. I forgot who he was until recently and couldn't figure out why he was in the show. It must have been

The quality and style of the fake ad was very 80s, too. I never thought about it, but it's very Robocop. Fake ads just aren't what they used to be!

You can soup up a K-car?

I've never read it, but I do enjoy the miniseries (I liked it when I first saw it, and did a background watch of it once I stumbled across it on netflix; I still turn it on once in a while for sleeping material). One thing about it that I find interesting, though it is unexplored, is that if we didn't see all of the

They just keep making it worse and worse.

Well, yes and no. The movie is way less bleak for everyone else.

I didn't like it a whole lot as a teen, but when I went back and watched it a year or two ago, I was more impressed with it. It's a little smarter than I remember (but a lot of it is dumber than I remember, so maybe it's a wash).

I was wondering where the Fashion Police were, but they aren't equipped to deal with a Denimator. We need Levi Reese.