The Amazing Ant

"whether or not 2.2.1 is jailbreakable"

@irish_stickman: Well I guess they figure if you've made a new year's resolution, it's already Relevant.

Thanks for the file's location. Starting up SSH right... about... NOW!

@Bats: iTunes plus is DRM-free, and prior to this conversion for the entire iTunes store, every song on there was $0.99, period.

Honestly? I was fine with the DRM... I don't wanna pay more for "newer" or more "popular" songs thanks...

@mhlaxp: Hibernation isn't bad for my laptop, but who's gonna want to wait for the 64-bit OS to load the 8 GB back into memory?

@the_sanks: Whether or not you keep the original file is an option, but yes, it downloads the new higher-quality version rather than converting the old crappy one.

@bobcatred: I don't know, mine isn't too bad. It only says I'll have to pay $53 to upgrade my library... Apparently only about 200 of my songs are on iTunes Plus at this point...

@Jordan Martin: I can't offer much help with other things, but for firefox specifically, you can copy all the files out of its profile over into your Windows 7 installation.


I love the monkey noises. :D

What bothers me is that nobody in the Jailbreak developing community has come up with something that doesn't need internet...

I'll have to try it when I get home, but a good character (when it works) can be made by hitting Ctrl+Backspace. Most programs use that to delete an entire word, but when you're logging into windows it enters it as a character, and some other programs have done the same.

@idrumgood: Have you ever tried to email files with a phone? Doesn't work well when they're on your laptop.

@Shai: Ironic; we just paid to move someone to do electrical engineering for us. His wife is apparently having a fun time finding a job though...

@mfusion: My gmail box is full of spam. What gmail are you using?

@Phoshi: Ah yes, I forgot it was MS. So it'll go BSOD at me when I try this?