The Amazing Ant

So I'm wondering about this "edge of the screen to maximize it" thing... How's that gonna work with a multi-monitor setup? Meaning if that I want to set a web page + notepad split 50/50 on one monitor with my CSS file + Photoshop running 50/50 on the other monitor?

@namedseven: For the moment, there doesn't seem to be any risks. I haven't updated mine since jailbreaking a month ago (since there haven't been updates in that time) but when I open Cydia it has a link to "Upgrading to 2.1? Read This". It basically just tells me I already have 2.1 and therefore have no need to

Glad to hear it :)

@fredygamer: Hey, I have seen him. He's been bewitching muggles into voting for him.

@idogis1: But if you don't know in advanced, how can you tease them about it? The best part is being able to tell someone you already bought their birthday present and hearing "What? My birthday was just four months ago!"....

@Kamatari+: I was totally going to spend the day working on it too... Haven't seen a costume that good in ages...

Still no text for me, but I managed to get on at a local McDonalds. (from across the street at Arby's)

Now that I've had a chance to try it, this is pretty cool, although I don't quite like the laggy interface through TightVNC. Stupid as it sounds, I may have to start writing emails through my phone with this. Saves me the time of logging into yahoo :P

@Alicemagic: I agree it would be nice to do remote logins like that, but I don't think having that forced accept is a bad thing. On the plus side, as I'm downloading it onto my phone, I noticed it says having a password so you don't have to hit "Accept" every time is going to be worked on in the near future. So,

This probably sounds lame since I could just upgrade, but how well do either of these work with the old iPhone?

I'm lost... why is sleep mode a bad thing?

@Woodwater: You know, I actually don't know what you mean. Gosh, I wish it was as simple as a torrent or someth-OH! THAT's what you meant...

Very interesting. I wonder how many bugs there are in it to sniff out. ~_^

The fun part is that some cards (like the WiFi card that comes with most Dell laptops) won't actually use the new number if you're on Vista. Dell and Microsoft just love to make life difficult...

Bah! Stupid little button at the bottom; looks exactly like the old mini-store button. I guess the mini-store is no more?

I do love using Windows because I know how to work with it, there's loads of free stuff out there to tweak it, and anything I don't have I can program myself.