The Amazing Ant

@andsowouldi: Well personally, I don't have any pr0n on my computer, but I do keep my laptop locked down quite a bit. Anything I want to keep safe from other people usualy goes

Very cool trick, although I'm not sure why I'd want to hide my hidden files and folders. Much as it defies their name, I prefer to have them shown all the time.

Yeah, this was really cool on mine. Instead of a blurry photo, I got a distorted, reeeally blurry photo...

Just a tip from one who got it working, it doesn't show up in the devices list after you enter the number. And another tip, it would seem that firewalls block it. I had to tell mine to allow all inbound connections directed at iTunes to get it to work.

I don't like #5... I always got in trouble with my parents when I was a kid because they never believed me when I was telling the truth, and they always did when I was lying.

I still don't understand the iTunes memory complaints...

Strange, I just noticed that tweak when I was looking through the about:config yesterday... Finally managed to get ff to stop using yahoo search too.

Other than the first day I was working in Vista, when I installed a few dozen programs, the UAC hasn't really been a problem for me.

@superbryant: I kinda thought it was interesting that their "beloved photo" has no thumbnail... I guess it's too beloved to be beshared...

I'm somewhat confused by this... Isn't it what the aforementioned keyword bookmarks are for? Granted, "gim" is less to type than "googleim", which is what I type for a Google Images search, but at least I can brag about having "hacked" my browser to do that... (users of lesser browsers have no idea it's not a hack, so

Hmm... The "Clear List" option in the downloads manager is a button now. I liked it better in the right-click menu...

@keene: Well you obviously aren't aware of this, but if you press the home button while in a phone call, it takes you out to the home screen, from which you can access your calendar. You can basically get to anything you want to, with the exception of Safari, which proceeds to tell you that EDGE can't be activated

*starts crying*

Well that's helpful to know. Thanks for the find, Gina! :)

@Johnay: Haha, my grandmother likes the ummm, "borrowed" shall we call them, copies of movies I've made for her. I've almost gotten my mother to accept the idea of them as well, but you know how parents are...

Personally, I just google searched for an icon plugin for Photoshop a few years ago, and I've been using 'shopping my icons ever since. I mean, it's not like Photoshop isn't freely available through those, um... "alternate methods" of downloading things...

+1 for about:blank

@AZTriGuy: I have an iPhone, and I can guarantee you there is an unlimited SMS plan. The cheapest plan is indeed 200, but there's also a midrange of 1500.

What about 32665? (fbook)