VOTE: Launchy 1.25
VOTE: Launchy 1.25
@The Amazing Ant: You talk too much...
I myself prefer spider solitaire, although I've never really sat there and tried to play freecell.
@owenw: I actually noticed that myself with my new laptop. Thanks for explaining why :)
I'd love to try this with my laptop and iPhone number... I might even be able to try it from the parking lot, allowing me to refrain from entering the unholy-ground.
VOTE: Notepad2
When I saw the title, my first thought was "AOL"... Guess I wasn't the only one to think that. :P
VOTE: Microsoft Outlook
I can't wait to see how long it takes someone to reverse this into a list of NSFW content...
That's an awesome find, although it's saddening that it's OSX-only...
I've tried both Notepad2 and Notepad++, and I've stuck with Notepad2 because N++ had some funky problem with it's handling code blocks and it's "Syntax Folding" as it's main page dubs it.
Yea, I think mine broke too...
@ParaXnoia: Now I can truly move to FF3! :D
Well this is a fun new toy, and I like it, but this huge menu that comes down from the address bar? Its fancy ability to learn what I'm going to do? It sickens me; where's the off switch?
VOTE: Meebo
Well I'm glad to hear it's actually in vista. I'd be rather upset if I couldn't watch this.
And on the odd chance you don't have gmail, or like me, you prefer to use it through your favorite desktop app, you can create a bookmark using the address mailto:%s to get the desired effect.
You know, I actually use the Mail app on my iTouch for my contacts now. I sync it to Outlook just because I can, but I really don't use outlook except so it can say it's synced to something... It's really not that bad now that we can edit contacts on-the-go...