The Amazing Ant

Well this is awesome, and I'm glad they've finally gotten to it, but why doesn't it surprise me that I'm gonna have to pay to get this onto my touch?

Hey, that's weird... I really can feel the flow of blood going through me... Crazy.

I like how well this works, especially considering the price, but I found a limit...

Well I'm glad I got that new hard drive installed last month. (my hair has started growing back over the scar :P)

I like to just go into the control panel and look at my network's status, but I love console stuff, so I'll try to remember that.

Hmm... I'll try to ignore the fact that word will let you do a "Save As" to the all-powerful *.rtf filetype... Or better yet, save it as a *.[htm/html] file and let people open it with their web browser.

I made a program ages ago that shuffles my wallpaper, but I've never thought of using RSS feeds. I'll have to try that when I get home.

@Wormfather: Well, I'll have to wait until it gets here to see if they were kind enough to put the new firmware on it or not, but... I suppose I can live with my old 30GB for a while longer if they didn't.


And how would Apple's warrantee feel about that?

I'm not entirely sure I'd want to look back at a history of pokes. I mean, all I'd know is "such and such poked me at 3:05am", and that I poked them back... That won't mean much to me in 3 years if I don't know what was going on at the time.

I have to admit, I usually use my phone for Facebook, or the mobile site Walk-all-over-ya just came out with (Wachovia)...

I don't so much use Yahoo's search, but knowing I can start an email from there is rather upsetting... I could have been doing that for ages...

Truth be told, I'm waiting on 10.5, and on buying a Mac at all, because I want the full version of BootCamp. As soon as that comes out, I'll be ready to get one, and I can slowly work my way out of the Windows side of things. Until then, I'm kinda attached to my virus-infected bug-filled POS that Microsoft wrote.

@Posco Grubb: "But there are ways to work around that, such as using Hibernate instead of shutting down the system."

I think I was just a victim of the LH comment post thing... It just ate the second half of my comment... :(

I didn't almost forget it... I completely forgot about it until someone asked me if I had stayed up until 2am playing Halo1 on my computer in honor of H3's release. I was like, "Wait, that was today? WHERE'S MY COPY?!?!!??!"

I didn't almost forget it... I completely forgot about it until someone asked me if I had stayed up until 2am playing Halo1 on my computer in honor of H3's release. I was like, "Wait, that was today?

Well, I don't see myself making one of these anytime in the near-future, (I don't have a spare DVD burner or the money to get one) but I wouldn't mind one.