She didnt lie about being sick though. People seem to be confused by trump just saying anything thats in his head with being honest.
She didnt lie about being sick though. People seem to be confused by trump just saying anything thats in his head with being honest.
Taylor swift can not sing better than beyonce. Troll
So. Taylor cant sing so whats your point.
Have u seen the polls trump is more likely to win florida
Its not over until nov 8. Dont get to cocky.
This comment is ao dumb.
Dont count yiur xhickens before they hatch, trump could still win.
They havent even looked at the emails.
He’s moving ahead of her in the polls so people should be worried.
Bobby knows this. People come the fuck on.
No shit, bobby knows that.
Bobby knows that u know that right.
Which makes flobees responses maddening because the same stuff happens with race and hes there rightfully calling them out. He really cant see it.
Bring it fucking down. Dude u get so hostile with anyone that doesnt fawn over hillary. Get the fuck over yourself.
This isnt going to change anyones mind. It wasnt illgal and most people will use the laws available to pay less taxes.
I hope your right
Why with the last part. Its like you want those comments.
Just because hes black doesn’t mean it cant be racist.
So jez should hate mariah and love lena and taylor?