“I got better!”
“I got better!”
This chart shows quartile income. It's hard to say (in the U.S.) that the top 25% of earners are "upper class".
$27k is the bottom 25% of incomes in Boston. This chart doesn't have to do with middle class. It just breaks incomes into quartiles.
I considered a little and thought that if you were touring Italy by train, it might be ideal. A secondary consideration is that a bike can be brought on some other modes of transportation.
Depending on where the vacation is, you might save time by avoiding parking (not disagreeing with you, here, but noting that there are sometimes hidden time-sinks in a car)
It's really interesting how different the systems are. For the most part in the US, mortgages are required to amortize over their term. Even the adjustable rate ones have a fixed term of at least five years and amortize over up to 30. Thanks for explaining!
Does it fully amortize over that time? I know it's common in Canada to get a new loan at the end of a previous one.
While I generally agree with you, there are still sub 4% fixed 20-year rates to be had in the US. 15-year rates aren't much better and neither tend to have prepayment penalties. In this case, the 30-year can be advantageous.
That kind of thinking kept people from getting the 10% returns the market gave last year.
I think that bar tending is substantially less structured (and more likely to be structured hourly) than the other professions shown, here. Tips, as everyone has pointed out, also skew the data, because how bartenders are paid is not solely determined by the employer. Clearly, the article tried to compensate for…
Agreed, however, having 35 hours as a minimum gives us an agreement that people are in the range of full-time and are doing this as a career.
The findings compare the median weekly earnings of men and women who work at least 35 hours a week year-round.
Thanks for the clarification. In a chocolate shop, I'm guessing you're pretty much off limits with a nut allergy, though, unless they specialize.
Someone posted below about a brother who has this condition and it nearly killed him. It may not be an allergic reaction, but the results could be the same. I hesitate to say that one person's dangerous response to eating nuts is harmful to people who do have allergies, but I may not be thinking it through fully.
She might have diverticulitus and not an allergy. Nuts aggravate the large intestine, but I think ground nuts are okay. She might have put it in terms of an allergy to simplify it (or not talk about her bowels)
This poster is making things confusing by conflating income with savings. You're being more clear.
This is a little odd. Earning money isn't wealth. Having it is wealth. If your friends earn $20k/year for five years and save $5k over that time, but you earn $15k/year and save $25k, who is wealthier?
This is the only book that really looks at your whole life. It also is a system that was working for people when the other authors weren't even writing.
Put some water in the empty tins, if you're not doing a dozen. It protects your muffin pan.
That math is Shockingly Simple!