
I just read that link. It's great! At the very least, it's straightforward and makes sense.

If you're getting anything for doing standup, I think you're way ahead! Seems very competitive and people probably expect to be able to get something for nothing.

Goldeblayde, but otherwise spot on. I know, no one should correct typos

Our emergency savings is based on a reduced emergency budget, as well, but based on the sources, I think that these writers are on a reduced budget that might seem like the emergency budget compared to most people.

Okay, we're cool.

I guess you love being poor. Think of how big your paycheck would be if only you were more open minded. All they need is your social security number and a commitment of your first born.

Didn't he already play the role? In Daredevil? I don't know if this is a serious conversation anymore!

Kingpin spends a lot of time just seeing them as nuisances. Of course, then, they routinely defeat him...

He has to shave his head. I don't even think there should be a discussion of "If he doesn't shave his head".

My 5th grade teacher read us the first chapter of "It". That was probably inappropriate! It did a number on me!

The movies were the same way!

Do we know how long has passed between MoS and Batman V Superman? Could Superman have done a lot of actual Superman stuff by then?

You have demonstrated a total understanding of these characters! What I love about Superman is that his power is so great that tiny failures are a big deal. Written well, Superman would be crushed (emotionally) by every life he failed to save. He wouldn't kill everyone.

I got cartographer, too. It looks like I didn't put any of my abilities high enough on the spectrum to get my real job.

And the computers beat the humans at chess in...1997! At least the computers had been through War Games in advance. Close call!

Thankfully, we managed to make computers that could beat any human in the mid 1990's, therefore eliminating the need for us to play any more!

I should really check if there is one of those in Las Vegas.

Is there a decorated shed that sells decorated sheds?

No, you made an ingenious portmanteau of "Damn" and "Dams". Don't let anyone take that away from you!

Well, don't be surprised when creationists see "evidence" in that they died in a storm.