Thayder, SJW

Rock on, I’m glad you dug it.

Not faith, just curiosity.

Valid question.

I got kinja’d and repeated the post so I will erase the ditto to state that this show is bloody awesome. The creators get it and the actors get it.

Uh, I do. I pay for the app, between this show and Ash it is worth it.

Oh I am in no cult of worship over his work. District 9 was good. Elysium and Chappie were not as good.

“You’re comparing a flawed, but relatively decent pretty movie to glorified concept art.”

“At least it wouldn’t be a rehash of everything that has already been done but with new actors.”

LOL, I’m glad to bring joy


At least the concept art means he thought about it, he got tacit approval from sigourney who hates Ripley more than Ford hates Solo.

It took a shit load of practice, but I too, can land on that aircraft carrier every time.

I will stream it when it comes out, but not wasting theatre money on it.

Yeah Ridley has not been original in awhile. Pass. Film is connected to Prometheus. Pass. He cast Danny McBride who i tolerate only in good directors hands. It’s like Ridley wanted to make sure I avoided it.

It’s nice we aren’t at war, yet. It’s nice knowing who is racist. It’s nice knowing that all of his rallies are recorded so that should our country survive they can be shown in schools as a way to avoid facism. It’s nice that we had a clean environment there for awhile, and with the internet our grandkids can see

Sorry I was much more interested in Blomkamps’ story than the piece of shit that Ridley will vomit. Prometheus was one of THE stupidest science fiction films I have ever seen. I have zero faith that Prometheus 2: Xenomorph Boogaloo will be any better.

Ugh... so much potential

I ADORE those Brady movies... like savagely...

“No excuse to what?”