Thayder, SJW

It says a lot about our country that we have to be told that war will be “easy” don’t ya think?

I’m not making an argument. Clearly you don’t get it, princess. I can say fuck about it because our limited imagination, low energy president is going to start a war that no one can win. Maybe you want vast swathes of the earth to be radioactive, if that’s the case you can take a flying fuck out of a window with your

Nobody on this page is Donald trump, Kim jong Un, or any diplomat representing the United States or North Korea.

“So, when discussing thermonuclear war, you think parties should just let their emotions fly? I guess if your goal is to actually go to war, perhaps that’s a winning strategy.”

Right, we are on the edge of thermonuclear war and we should totally be concerned with fucking language.

Agreed Capaldi is probably the most capable actor they have hired as the doctor. I mean no slight to any of the predecessors but Capaldi CAN carry an entire episode all by himself, and be damned impressive doing so.

That voice was dubbed, the original actor has a high irish or scottish accent. (edited to add, I do not remember which.)

Spore is actually rather delightful.

I do believe Shadows of the Empire is still canon and always had been and they are lifting elements from KOTOR that are now canon.

Is our friend back to his old shenanigans?

Note: This is not a justification.

They certainly did a better job with Krem than they did with Hainly. I sort of understand their writing logic, they were in a new galaxy with new rules but also a kind of homesickness... buuuut still those DA:I writers should have been consulted.

Yeah, that did take me out of the game a bit, she could have been written in a much more natural manner.

Thoroughly agree. There was a dickishness to Dumbledore that Harris did not portray, but that Gambon nailed.

There is no end game. There is the fight or collaboration.

Good, it will be nice to leave a record for the alien species that discovers the irradiated husk of the third planet of our solar system, showing them what went wrong.

The right absolutely holds on to this conviction that they are the party of Lincoln, thus they are immune to all signs of racism forever.

Hey now, I like Rancorr. You, however, come off as a bigoted prat.