Thayder, SJW

Huh... I don’t see twilight on that list...

Right? How many people wrote Titanic off after the budget ballooned and the release date got pushed back...

Okay, so listened to a few of the tracks and I think Emma Watson does just fine, it is different from the cartoon but her singing feels more three dimensional than cartoon Belle, if that makes sense.

Can i nitpick how Dawn’s arrival was actually being set up in season 4? All of those dreams with Faith that she had, were about Dawn. The sister that Faith could never be.

“This I do not agree with, as again the award is not a reflection of one’s personal life and actions/choices but of the 2 hours of screen time and only that. They are separating the individual from the work. If the awards were going to be a reflection of a person life actions and choices no one would be receiving any

I am stoked, if not only because James cameron is a fucking fiend when it comes to making movies. With him at the helm, I know it will be emotional, it will be violent, and it will blow my mind visually. The fact that he has been working on this for so long is intriguing. I am very much looking forward to what he does.

Babylon 5 had a pretty cohesive universe. But the creator did write, like, four seasons of the five season show.

I tend to laugh at people that bitch and complain about the continuity in the X-Men movies, fans of the series KNOW that continuity and sense has never meant shit.

The sad reason for that?

OMG i missed how bad that was, just glanced at the picture before reading but DAYUM... that’s like high school photoshop bad.

Yeah HerRoyalRedness’ gif game is ON POINT, always.

“I’ve probably read more books in my life than you have. Your assertion that I’m an ignorant dumbass is unfounded and quite frankly a sign of desperation.”

“Also, I never once said that I disagreed with uplifting others. My point is, and always will be, cut it out with the belief that white men are bad. This social justice nonsense is getting old. I, and people that look like me, must be uplifted first.”

I would concede Sin City... he was awesome in that.

I also see maybe a hint of obsidian?

I was meaning Willis, but I had my timetables wrong, he had a lot of great stuff after this, like Fifth Element. It was around the Sixth Sense when he started not giving a shit and that was several years after Hawk.

Again. Missing the point. They aren’t here to make it seamless, they are highlighting the disparity. You don’t get it, don’t care that’s groovy. But they are doing what they can to support their co-workers.

All of these, “guys, why don’t you just do the same job the women were doing” make me feel like this...

It is silly but holds up okay.

I played the krull video game (which was probably horrid, but loved that there was a game of it)