Thayder, SJW

As a young lad I saw a small toy that looked like that space herpes in one of those grocery store, put in a quarter get a cheap toy machines. I screamed at my mother how they had space herpes and she was beyond mortified.

And this was right before he stopped giving a shit as an actor too...

Huh, it’s almost like the women on staff at jezebel contribute a lot of great things to the website...

I adore most of those movies. Armageddon is one of my favorite movies that Bay did (The Rock and moments of the 1st transformers as well.) Did enjoy Thor 2...

I absolutely adore the character stuff in TFF. The camping to the raid on the outpost and even dealing with Sybok and everyone’s pain and Kirk’s dealing with that. Some great great stuff in there.

“Yeah I want to be the first Star Trek Captain who didn’t matter to the show.

Good catch! I didnt know there were two Ace christian schools. Good sleuthing!

You would not be wrong.

I think so, but do not remember for sure.

They would have word and math problems with morality tales from the Bible. Using stories to “teach” whatever they were trying to do. Like Jacob had “so” many daughters and he married off a number of them, how many did he have living with him. And the post script would be something like, “All good Christians follow the

They were evil. I wasn’t baptist it was the only private school in my town and they wanted to convert me so fucking bad. Pulling me out of class and having me talk to the principal/pastor.

Luckily, I knew. I had always been a science kid and I was entering 6th grade when I went there so I was very dubious over what they said was true. I butted heads a lot with the pastor and “teachers” but eventually just did the correct answers and went home.

Correction, when I went there it was for my middle school years. but all the grades were in one room. You worked out of booklets, each subject had multiple books that you would work on at your own pace.

The Catholics, for all their foibles, are at least pro-science for the most part. I am glad that you had a nuanced education, luckily I was only stuck in that school for three years during middle school (or Jr. high as we called it back then)

Generally in word problems. Peter the disciple had three loaves of bread and gave two of them to yada yadda yadda. It was horrible.

I was there between 6th and 8th grade. I went in with a love for science that I didn’t let them kill.

Nope, protestant. Mine was a Baptist school. The Catholics are on the bus with science, American protestants... depends... but not so much.

Yeah it’s amazing what they get away with...