Thayder, SJW

I only went for three years and went into it with a strong love for science so I had an advantage, but yeah most of the students were clueless. I got into several arguments about the wrong information, i eventually just did the work without bitching and constantly nagged my mom to send me back to public school.

I went to an ACE elementary school, it is barely education. Dinosaurs and man, morality in math, earth is 6000 years old... all the old favorites.

Can we PLEASE, for the love of god, STOP trying to make Jared Leto a thing?? They’ve been trying for damn near twenty years. LET IT GO.

For Buffy’s 20th anniversary, some of my favorite character...

I reside in that camp as well. Although I think there is no reality wherein the popular vote loser doesn’t fill any role with the worst qualified candidate.

Sleeping Dogs could be a good movie, Yen is a good choice.

Not sure how i feel about that...

Very sad to see his name there too, wth???

Yes, and it takes me to At&T Locker, the online service i described.

I love my edge but there is one small annoying thing that pisses me off to no end.

I adored the second, even over the first.

You know the sentence before that one gives context, right? Look up counter claim in the dictionary please.

First off, you should read the whole post before getting pissed. Second off, if you are going to use quotes to directly attribute what someone says, you should not paraphrase inside the quotes. “I didn’t bother to read and understand what she posted before getting pissy.”

Most assuredly!

I’m about 15 hours into 3 (fourth or fifth time play through), and damn I love this game.

Two of these are from Sci-fi... one is an actual star system 150 light years from Earth.

So no Supreme Court Justice votes can happen while people are campaigning for president, right? Isn’t that what Senator mcTurtleface said during Obama’s last year?

I very much got that vibe too
