Thayder, SJW

I’m talking an 81% drop off between opening night and the next friday, it is not just me that is having a problem engaging in interest.

No, it’s just that the bar is set so low. There were, what, two... three jokes in BvS. Put five in Flash and it may as well be made by Mel Brooks in comparison, but still dark enough to depress Ingmar Bergman.

Difference being that the Twilight movies all come out during the holidays when there is stiff competition and Deathly Hallows 2 opened in the middle of the summer a week or so before Captain America.

I thought it was way cool when Iron Man showed up in BvS...

I am so jelly

You are so missed. But am grateful you are healing.

Absolutely, kudos to those that enjoy her work. Sadly my positive thoughts of her end at Princess Bride.

Sorry have not been a fan of 95% of her work, purely just a subjective opinion on my part, but this makes me significantly less interested.

Internet hugs

Passion of the Robin.

“What happened to Allison Rapp was very unfortunate, but this precedent for firing people based on thought-crimes was set by feminists.”

This is one of the better books available...

When you get to the end of the third season, your understanding of TNG will grow epically.

“Also... one seems to be prepared to go to war to “clear off the table””


I would have to disagree.

The Juno probe, akin to Saturns Cassini, will get there this summer and give us lots of amazing information and pictures.

“Like al gore for one. not saying the south is the center of the universe either”