Thayder, SJW

It’s almost like there is more to the world than the south... weird I know.

“when there is money to be made people will say anything, manipulate what ever the case will, be”

How many humans were around 250 million years ago?

My day needed some Dr Horrible, thank you

Such a good show

(only one of this pictures is not a gif)

It saddens me just a wee bit that he isn’t a part of the story direction any more. I understand Disney’s desire to not do what he wanted but i do at least want to know where he would have gone.

yeah, I’ve avoided these articles for that very same reason. It’s not science guys, it works the way it does and it fits the fictional story.

I just remember how it all came together when the hole in the Ozone layer was an issue. Scientists discovered CFC’s and freon emissions were thinning the protective barrier, well shit, lets make those things illegal and phase them out!

Civ 2 is where I was introduced to that wonderful series and yeah it made sense to my burgeoning young mind as well, Having dozens of planets with raising sea levels because my opponents were not as meticulous as I was in cleaning up that dreaded orange pollution.

Starred for correctness AND Civilization reference.


It’s hard being liberal American, and I live in a very predominant Republican area. I have been verbally attacked so many times for supporting him. I have an Obama sticker on my car and i have had people speed in front of me dangerously to flip me off or yell at me. Facebook can be a nightmare

Fair enough. I amend my statement then to say God forbid they show people who haven’t had restricted diets and plastic surgery i.e.. most of the population.

95-98% of the time you see ANY human skin (male or female) on film or TV it has probably been touched up with makeup of some kind.

You know, if you have to bend so far backwards in an attempt to equate things that are NOT, in fact, equal... perhaps your position is imaginary and you are working too hard to negate this woman argument.

Hell, Requiem for a Dream is lighter if you compare it to Ingmar Bergman...

... holy hell... Maybe they should have therapeutic counseling after screenings...

It is absolutely sizeist. The porn is basically okay but god forbid you show real people in commercials. Fuck.

A very well thought out rational analysis. kudos